Articles by David Smith

In case you missed it: November 2013 Roundup

December 10, 2013 | David Smith

In case you missed them, here are some articles from October of particular interest to R users: A recap of the Strata Hadoop World conference, including presentations from Monsanto and eHarmony on their use of R. How to rank and chart the most frequent hashtags of Twitter users with R. ... [Read more...]

On the growth of R and Python for data science

December 6, 2013 | David Smith

A recent article by Matt Asay claims that "Python is displacing R as the language for data science". Python has certainly made some great strides in recent years, evolving beyond a data processing tool (an area where Python excels) to a data analysis tool. The Pandas project, in particular, has ... [Read more...]

A conversation with Robert Scoble

December 5, 2013 | David Smith

I had the pleasure of visiting technology guru Robert Scoble at Rackspace Labs a few weeks ago. We had a great conversation about the Big Data revolution, and how large enterprises are catching up with the likes of Google and Facebook when it comes to using their data stores to ... [Read more...]

14 Analytics Predictions for 2014

December 3, 2013 | David Smith

In a live webinar today hosted by Alteryx, five industry experts shared 14 analytics predictions for 2014. The panel included Paul Ross (Alteryx), Charles Zedlewski (Cloudera), Rick Schultz (Alteryx), Ellie Fields (Tableau) and Michele Chambers (Revolution Analytics). Their predictions were: Analysts will matter more than data scientists R will replace legacy SAS ... [Read more...]

Tutorial: Basic data processing with R

December 2, 2013 | David Smith

R can do a lot of really amazing things, but to use just about any of R's many features you need to first import your data and get it into the appropriate shape. For R beginners, this "data wrangling" task can be daunting. Fortunately, ComputerWorld's Sharon Machlis has created an ... [Read more...]

Happy Thanksgiving from Revolution Analytics

November 28, 2013 | David Smith

__ require(devtools) __ install_github("cowsay","SChamberlain") __ require(cowsay) __ say("Happy Thanksgiving!",by="chicken") ----- Happy Thanksgiving! ------ \ \ _ _/ } `__' \ `| \ | /'-. .-. \' ';`--' .' \'. `'-./ '.`-..-;` `;-..' _| _| /` /` (With thanks for Scott Chamberlain for the cowsay package.) For those in the US and everyone who celebrates, Happy ... [Read more...]

Try out R online with R-Fiddle

November 25, 2013 | David Smith

It's pretty easy (and free!) to download R and install it on your own PC, Mac or Linux machine, but if you don't have one of those or simply aren't ready to commit to installing it, you can now try it out online. R-Fiddle (from DataMind) provides an easy-to-use interactive ... [Read more...]

The rise of R as the language of analytics

November 22, 2013 | David Smith

It's no coincidence that while the usage of the R language is skyrocketing (as shown in the recent Rexer Analytics and KDNuggets polls), the growth in data scientist jobs is also skyrocketing. R is the lingua franca of data science, and as the pervasive statistical software in the academic sector, ... [Read more...]

Getting started with R, for Stata users

November 19, 2013 | David Smith

If you learned statistics using Stata software but have an interest in learning the R language, it's worth checking out R~Stata: Notes on Exporing Data by Princeton's Oscar Torres-Reyna. D-Lab's Laura Nelson provides an overview, but in short it's a collection of 30 PDF slides that introduces R for Stata ... [Read more...]

Iterators in R: a tutorial

November 18, 2013 | David Smith

Iterators — object-oriented programming constructs that act as a pointer in an ordered sequence — are familiar to programmers of languages like Python, but are not a standard part of the R language. Nonetheless, by installing the iterators package (an open-source contribution by Revolution Analytics) you can create and manipulate iterator objects ... [Read more...]

A detailed guide to memory usage in R

November 12, 2013 | David Smith

R is designed as an in-memory application: all of the data you work with must be hosted in the RAM of the machine you're running R on. This optimizes performance and flexibility, but does place contraints on the size of data you're working with (since it must all work in ... [Read more...]

In case you missed it: October 2013 Roundup

November 11, 2013 | David Smith

In case you missed them, here are some articles from October of particular interest to R users: Joe Rickert recounts the R presence at the Strata + Hadoop World conference, including slides from the R and Hadoop tutorial. Hadley Wickham's favorite tools, gadgets and software (including of course R). Revolution R ... [Read more...]

CRAN now has 5000 R packages

November 8, 2013 | David Smith

Prof. Ripley today announced on the r-devel mailing list that CRAN now has it's 5000th R package: Package 'quint' brought the number of packages on CRAN (for all platforms: some are Windows-only or non-Windows only) to 5000 a few minutes ago: see That's ... [Read more...]

Webinar replay: What’s new in Revolution R Enterprise 7

November 6, 2013 | David Smith

In case you missed yesterday's webinar, the slides and replay are now available for Introducing Revolution R Enterprise 7: The Big Data Big Analytics Platform. I've embedded the slides below — if you're already familiar with Revolution R Enterprise the new features start at Slide 21. You can also download the slides or ... [Read more...]

Strata + Hadoop World 2013 Recap

November 4, 2013 | David Smith

We're back from NYC after a very busy Strata + Hadoop World 2013 conference. Many thanks to all the friendly folks who dropped by the Revolution Analytics booth, attended Joe and Antonio's R and Hadoop tutorial, or simply came up to say hello during the event. It was a jam-packed conference, literally ... [Read more...]

What’s new in Revolution R Enterprise? Webinar November 5

November 1, 2013 | David Smith

Revolution R Enterprise 7 is a major update to Revolution Analytics' flagship predictive analytics software. Not only does it include the latest release of Open Source R (providing compatability with more than 6,000 user-contributed packages), it also adds in-Hadoop and in-database predictive modeling with big data, new statistical capabilities, and drag-and-drop workflow ... [Read more...]

What Hadley Wickham uses

October 30, 2013 | David Smith

You know Hadley Wickham as the inventor of the ggplot2 visualization phenomenon, the creator of time-saving R packages like plyr and lubridate, and the Chief Scientist at RStudio. But do you know what laptop Hadley uses, what software he uses (besides, R, of course), or his favourite kitchen appliance? Find ... [Read more...]
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