Articles by David Smith

Applications of R presentations at Dataweek

September 17, 2014 | David Smith

I'm speaking at the DataWeek conference in San Francisco today. My talk follows Skylar Lyon from Accenture — I'm really looking forward to hearing how he uses Revolution R Enterprise with Teradata Database to run R in-database with 400 million rows of data. Update: Here are Skylar's slides. The slides for my ... [Read more...]

New members for R-core and R Foundation

September 16, 2014 | David Smith

The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, the Vienna-based non-profit organization that oversees the R Project, has just added several new "ordinary members". (Ordinary members participate in R Foundation meetings and provide guidance to the project.) The new members are: Dirk Eddelbuettel, Torsten Hothorn, Marc Schwartz, Hadley Wickham, and Achim Zeileis, ... [Read more...]

Using Reddit’s JSON API to analyze post popularity

September 15, 2014 | David Smith

Graduate student Clay McLeod decided to find out what makes a post on the social-sharing site Reddit popular. These are the questions he seeks to answer: What’s in a post? Reddit pulls in around 115 million unique visitors each month, amassing a staggering 5 billion page views per month. For a ... [Read more...]

Google uses R to calculate ROI on advertising campaigns

September 12, 2014 | David Smith

Google has just released a new package for R: CausalImpact. Amongst many other things, this package allows Google to resolve the classical conundrum: how can we asses the impact of an intervention (for example, the effect of an advertising campaign on website clicks) when we can't know what would have ... [Read more...]

More presentations from useR! 2014

September 10, 2014 | David Smith

DataScience.LA has posted a great recap of the latest LA R meetup, which in turn was a recap of presentations from the useR! 2014 conference. Follow that link to review slides from the event, whith summaries of useR! 2014 related to R and Python; Finance; dplyr; R books; SalesForce and R ... [Read more...]

In case you missed it: August 2014 Roundup

September 5, 2014 | David Smith

In case you missed them, here are some articles from August of particular interest to R users: R is the most popular software in the KDNuggets poll for the 4th year running. The frequency of R user group meetings continues to rise, and there are now 147 R user groups worldwide. ... [Read more...]

Hortonworks Seminar Series: The Modern Data Architecture

September 3, 2014 | David Smith

As more companies explore the benefits that Hadoop may provide, the opportunities to better understand the technology are myriad and unequal. As a provider of in-Hadoop analytics, Revolution Analytics is participating in the coming Hortonworks seminar series. We will be on site to discuss how to deploy R-based analytics within ... [Read more...]

R tops KDNuggets data analysis software poll for 4th consecutive year

August 29, 2014 | David Smith

KDNuggests asked its readers the question "What programming/statistics languages you used for an analytics / data mining / data science work in 2014?" and one again, R was the #1 response. (R was also the #1 response in similar polls in 2013, 2012 and 2011.) The top 5 selections of the 719 respondents were: R (352 respondents) SAS (262) Python (252) SQL (220) ... [Read more...]

DataScienceLA interviews David Smith

August 27, 2014 | David Smith

While I was in LA for the useR! 2014 conference last month, I had the great pleasure of being among the participants in the DataScienceLA interview series hosted by Eduardo Ariño de la Rubia. Eduardo is both an R user and an excellent interviewer: his preparation and knowledge of R ... [Read more...]

Because it’s Friday: A 3-minute movie in 4095 bytes

August 22, 2014 | David Smith

This entire movie — images, music, everything — is generated from a Windows PC executable of just 4,095 bytes. That's not a typo: we're not talking bytes not megabytes or gigabytes here. Less than 4kb total creates this entire scene. For comparison, a medium-quality video file of this exact same scene in AVI ... [Read more...]

Entering the field as a data scientist with certification

August 22, 2014 | David Smith

By Neera Talbert, VP Services and Ben Wiley, R Programmer at Revolution Analytics By now, everyone should be familiar with the data scientist boom. Simply logging onto LinkedIn reveals a seemingly infinite number of people with words and phrases like “Data Scientist”, “Big Data Specialist”, and “Analytics” in their title. ... [Read more...]

How to integrate R with your calendar

August 20, 2014 | David Smith

Hilary Parker has contributed a lovely article to Significance, the magazine of the American Statistical Association and the Royal Statistical Society, on using R to set your Google calendar to mark the time of sunsets. Hilary details the process in the article, but the basic idea is to use the ... [Read more...]

Table comparing the statistical capabilities of software packages

August 13, 2014 | David Smith

A statistical consultant known only as "Stanford PhD" has put together a table comparing the statistical capabilities of the software packages R, Matlab, SAS, Stata and SPSS. For each of 57 methods (including techniques like "ridge regression", "survival analysis", "optimization") the author ranks the capabilities of each software package as "Yes" (... [Read more...]

John Chambers: Interfaces, Efficiency and Big Data

August 11, 2014 | David Smith

Joe wrote about this already, but now the recording of John Chambers' keynote presentation from the useR! 2014 conference, Interfaces, Efficiency and Big Data, is now available for viewing thanks to Data Science LA. In the video, John dives into the history of the S language for which he won the ... [Read more...]

The Open Source R Programming Language is Becoming Pervasive

August 8, 2014 | David Smith

So says, in a recent article 11 Market Trends in Advanced Analytics. R, an open source programming language for computational statistics, visualization and data is becoming a ubiquitous tool in advanced analytics offerings. Kirsch says nearly every top vendor of advanced analytics has integrated R into their offering and ... [Read more...]

In case you missed it: July 2014 Roundup

August 6, 2014 | David Smith

In case you missed them, here are some articles from June of particular interest to R users: The deadline for our contest to visualize the location of R user groups has been extended to August 16. Previews of R-related sessions at this year's JSM conference in Boston. Coding errors in R ... [Read more...]

Statisticians get the PR treatment

August 4, 2014 | David Smith

I'm here at the JSM conference in Boston, the latest annual gathering of 6000+ statisticians from North America and around the world. (Revolution Analytics is a proud sponsor of the conference.) One of the great things to see is that the American Statistical Association, the organizer of the conference and the ... [Read more...]

Webinar recording: Applications in R

August 1, 2014 | David Smith

Many thanks to everyone who attended Tuesday's webinar, Applications in R - Success and Lessons Learned from the Marketplace. We had a great turnout and a very lively Q&A session. I've already shared many of the slides describing how companies like Google, Facebook and the New York Times use ... [Read more...]
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