Articles by David Smith

DeployR 7.4 released

April 3, 2015 | David Smith

A new version of DeployR, the server-based framework that provides simple and secure R integration for application developers, is now available. (If you're new to DeployR, take a look at the DeployR Overview or download the white paper, Using DeployR to Solve the R Integration Problem.) This update brings several ... [Read more...]

A minor update: Revolution R Open 8.0.2

April 1, 2015 | David Smith

Revolution R Open 8.0.2 is now available from MRAN. If you're already using Revolution R Open, you won't find any major changes. This release fixes a couple of bugs, includes a new version of the checkpoint package, and splits the installation into two parts on Windows and Linux (with a separate ... [Read more...]

The most common R error messages

March 30, 2015 | David Smith

R has something of a reputation for generating, shall we say, obscure error messages like this: Error in model.frame.default(formula = y ~ female + DNC + SE_region + : could not find function "function (object, ...) nobject" One tip for dealing with error messages is to ignore everything between "Error in" and the ... [Read more...]

Participate in the 2015 Rexer Data Mining Survey

March 25, 2015 | David Smith

Since 2007, Karl Rexer has been collecting data on the tools, skills and practices of statisticians and data miners. Over the years, his semi-annual Data Miner Survey has expanded in scope, and now includes research on the topics of data science, big data, and analytics applications on business. Unlike research conducted ... [Read more...]

Tomorrow, 10AMPT: Live webinar on "checkpoint" package

March 23, 2015 | David Smith

A quick heads-up that tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10AM Pacific Time I'll be giving a live (and free) webinar: Reproducibility with Revolution R Open and the Checkpoint Package. I'll show you how to use the latest version of the checkpoint package to write R scripts without having to worry about unexpected ... [Read more...]

NYC is a city that does sleep, a bit

March 20, 2015 | David Smith

The On Broadway project collected more than 600,000 photographs taken near Broadway in New York City during a six-month period in 2014. If you're in New York, you can explore the images in an interactive installation at the New York Public Library though the end of this year. You can also explore ... [Read more...]

New Whitepaper: Connect R to other applications with DeployR

March 13, 2015 | David Smith

DeployR is a server-based framework that provides simple, secure R integration for application developers. It's available in two editions: DeployR Open, which is free and open-source; and Revolution R Enterprise DeployR, which adds a scalable grid framework and enterprise authentication features for production applications integrated with R. If you're looking ... [Read more...]

In case you missed it: February 2015 roundup

March 11, 2015 | David Smith

In case you missed them, here are some articles from February of particular interest to R users. The John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award announcement for 2015. The new R package "distcomp" allows researchers to collaborate on data spread across multiple sites. David Smith's interview with theCUBE on R, data science, ... [Read more...]

R 3.1.3 now available

March 9, 2015 | David Smith

R 3.1.3, the final update in the R 3.1 series, has been released. As of this writing only the source distribution is currently available, but expect binary builds for Windows, Mac and various Linux platforms to appear soon on your local CRAN mirror. As has become usual in March, this release is ... [Read more...]

Welcome to the Hadleyverse

March 6, 2015 | David Smith

It's fair to say that Hadley Wickham, chief scientist at RStudio and a new member of the R Foundation, has made great contributions to the R community. Not only is he the author of several R-related books including Advanced R, Hadley is also the author of dozens of R packages ... [Read more...]

Color extraction with R

March 4, 2015 | David Smith

Given all the attention the internet has given to the colors of this dress, I thought it would be interesting to look at the capabilities for extracting colors in R. R has a number of packages for importing images in various file formats, including PNG, JPG, TIFF, and BMP. (The ... [Read more...]

ComputerWorld’s R for Beginners Hands-On Guide

March 2, 2015 | David Smith

Computerworld's Sharon Machlis has done a great service for the R community — and R especially novices — by creating the on-line Beginner's Guide to R. You can read our overview of her guide from 2013 here, but it's been regularly updated since then. As an added bonus, the guide is now available ... [Read more...]

John Chambers Statistical Software Award 2015

February 27, 2015 | David Smith

In 1998 John M. Chambers (now a member of R-core) won the ACM Software System Award for the S Language, which (in the words of the committee) "forever altered how people analyze, visualize, and manipulate data". John graciously donated the prizemoney to support budding researchers in statistical computing: his Statistical Software ... [Read more...]

Talking about R, Data Science and Microsoft on theCUBE

February 25, 2015 | David Smith

It was a pleasure to appear live on theCUBE last week while attending the Strata conference. In my interview with Jeff Kelly and John Furrier, I talked about the rising popularity of R, the applications of data science, and the recent announcement of Microsoft acquiring Revolution Analytics. I also gushed ... [Read more...]

Strata 2015: Keynote roundup

February 23, 2015 | David Smith

I spent last week at the Strata 2015 Conference in San José, California. As always, Strata made for a wonderful conference to catch up on the latest developments on big data and data science, and to connect with colleagues and friends old and new. Having been to every Strata conference since ... [Read more...]

CRAN: the Granddaddy of Analytical Marketplaces

February 20, 2015 | David Smith

by Bill Jacobs, VP Product Marketing, Revolution Analytics I had a most interesting exchange with an industry analysis firm recently who suggested that application marketplaces were critical to the success of analytical tools, suggesting that Revolution Analytics was remiss in not creating one. I must say, I was taken aback ... [Read more...]

An R tutorial for Microsoft Excel users

February 16, 2015 | David Smith

If you currently use a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel for data analysis, you might be interested in taking a look at this tutorial on how to transition from Excel to R by Tony Ojeda. The tutorial explains how to use R functions in place of Excel formulas, including tools like =... [Read more...]
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