Articles by David Smith

Introducing the Deep Learning Virtual Machine on Azure

October 4, 2017 | David Smith

A new member has just joined the family of Data Science Virtual Machines on Azure: The Deep Learning Virtual Machine. Like other DSVMs in the family, the Deep Learning VM is a pre-configured environment with all the tools you need for data science and AI development pre-installed. The Deep Learning ... [Read more...]

R 3.4.2 is released

September 28, 2017 | David Smith

The R Core team today announced the release of R 3.4.2. This release fixes a number of minor bugs and also includes a performance improvement to the commonly-used function c when applied to vectors with a names attribute. Like all minor releases, this release is backwards compatible with prior releases in ... [Read more...]

Featurizing images: the shallow end of deep learning

September 27, 2017 | David Smith

by Bob Horton and Vanja Paunic, Microsoft AI and Research Data Group Training deep learning models from scratch requires large data sets and significant computational reources. Using pre-trained deep neural network models to extract relevant features from images allows us to build classifiers using standard machine learning approaches that work ... [Read more...]

News Roundup from Microsoft Ignite

September 25, 2017 | David Smith

It's been a big day for the team here at Microsoft, with a flurry of announcements from the Ignite conference in Orlando. We'll provide more in-depth details in the coming days and weeks, but for now here's a brief roundup of the news related to data science: Microsoft ML Server 9.2 ... [Read more...]

Pirating Pirate Data for Pirate Day

September 21, 2017 | David Smith

This past Tuesday was Talk Like A Pirate Date, the unofficial holiday of R (aRRR!) users worldwide. In recognition of the day, Bob Rudis used R to create this map of worldwide piracy incidents from 2013 to 2017. The post provides a useful and practical example of extracting data from a website ... [Read more...]

Hurricane Irma’s rains, visualized with R

September 19, 2017 | David Smith

The USGS has followed up their visualization of Hurricane Harvey rainfalls with an updated version of the animation, this time showing the rain and flooding from Hurricane Irma in Florida: Another #rstats #dataviz! Precip and #flooding from #HurricaneIrma ? #opensource code: #openscience [Read more...]

Recap: Applications of R at EARL London 2017

September 18, 2017 | David Smith

The fourth EARL London conference took place last week, and once again it was an enjoyable and informative showcase of practical applications of R. Kudos to the team from Mango for hosting a great event featuring interesting talks and a friendly crowd. As always, there were more talks on offer ... [Read more...]

Microsoft R Open 3.4.1 now available

September 15, 2017 | David Smith

Microsoft R Open (MRO), Microsoft's enhanced distribution of open source R, has been upgraded to version 3.4.1 and is now available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This update upgrades the R language engine to R 3.4.1 and updates the bundled packages. MRO is 100% compatible with all R packages. MRO 3.4.1 points ... [Read more...]

Trending topics on cable news: the newsflash package

September 12, 2017 | David Smith

Want to know what's capturing the attention of the producers at the 24-hour cable news stations? There's no equivalent of Twitter's trending topics for the likes of CNN or BBC News, but the newsflash package for R by Bob Rudis can extract the latest trending topics from the TV news ... [Read more...]

Online textbook on data visualization with the ggplot2 package

September 11, 2017 | David Smith

A new online textbook, Data Visualization for Social Science, will teach you everything you need to know about creating beautiful and elegant data visualizations using the ggplot2 package and the R language. The author Kieran Healy is a professor of Sociology at Duke University who has designed data visualizations featured ... [Read more...]

Hurricane Harvey’s rains, visualized in R by USGS

September 8, 2017 | David Smith

On August 26 Hurricane Harvey became the largest hurricane to make landfall in the United States in over 20 years. (That record may yet be broken by Irma, now bearing down on the Florida peninsula.) Harvey's rains brought major flooding to Houston and other coastal areas in the Gulf of Mexico. You ... [Read more...]

In case you missed it: August 2017 roundup

September 7, 2017 | David Smith

In case you missed them, here are some articles from August of particular interest to R users. Using the featurizeText function in the MicrosoftML package to extract ngrams from unstructured text. A joyplot visualizes the probabilities associated with phrases like "highly likely" and "little chance" by a sample of 46 Redditors. ... [Read more...]

Knime 3.4 connections to Microsoft R, Azure

September 6, 2017 | David Smith

Version 3.4 of the Knime Analytics Platform, the open-source data science workflow toolbox, was released back in July. With that release came new integrations with Azure and Microsoft R Server, which were highlighted in a recent blog post. With Knime 3.4, you can use Microsoft R Server packages in an R node, ... [Read more...]
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