Articles by data_steve

feedbackr, R-devs + useRs

May 9, 2016 | data_steve

from Wikimedia In my last post I explained why I added a feedback function to googleformr. Since googleformr is an API for collecting data programmatically, I figured I’d leverage it for package development and accessibility. Below I’ll show how ... [Read more...]

feedbackr ⤌ R-devs + useRs

May 9, 2016 | data_steve

from Wikimedia In my last post I explained why I added a feedback function to googleformr. Since googleformr is an API for collecting data programmatically, I figured I’d leverage it for package development and accessibility. Below I’ll show how you can add your own feedback function to your ... [Read more...]

Links I liked

May 5, 2016 | data_steve

The interwebs has been aflush with interesting data science material. Tweet     Big Five Personality Tests Have Never Been So Fun(ny) Tweet     Gelman on A Beautiful Sentiment Any time Gelman has something to say about graphics and methods, it’s useful. This seems like one of my first memories, though, ... [Read more...]

Links I liked

May 5, 2016 | data_steve

The interwebs has been aflush with interesting data science material. Tweet     Big Five Personality Tests Have Never Been So Fun(ny) Tweet     Gelman on A Beautiful Sentiment Any time Gelman has something to say about graphics and method... [Read more...]

googleformr updates on CRAN

May 3, 2016 | data_steve

Main updates to googleformr have been to remove an internal dependency on magrittr chains in the function construction and to take http status checking outside of the main gformr function and into a check_form_works function. Both changes provide notab... [Read more...]

Base R Nostalgia — by, tapply, ave, …

April 30, 2016 | data_steve

photo credit: Paul Yoakum This evening I was feeling nostalgic for base R group-bys. Before there was dplyr, there was apply and its cousins. I thought it’d be nice to get out the ol’ photo-album. To start off, the base R proto-ancestor of magr... [Read more...]

d3/R Streamgraph on White House Petition Data

April 14, 2016 | data_steve

After last week’s post with the d3-htmlwidget chordplot showing the network of petition categories, in this post I decided to show the time trend aspect of how the petitions came in. I’m using @hrbrmstr’s htmlwidgets wrapper of a d3 streamgraph to help visualize the macro- and ... [Read more...]

d3/R Streamgraph on White House Petition Data

April 14, 2016 | data_steve

After last week’s post with the d3-htmlwidget chordplot showing the network of petition categories, in this post I decided to show the time trend aspect of how the petitions came in. I’m using @hrbrmstr’s htmlwidgets wrapper of a d3 streamgraph to help visualize the macro- and ... [Read more...]

d3/R Chord Diagram of White House Petition Data

April 8, 2016 | data_steve

The OpenData movement has the White House producing and releasing some novel datasets. One of them is the We The People petition site. I learned about this from’s interesting python work using that data. From the petition site, you can see an interesting gallery of work done ... [Read more...]

d3/R Chord Diagram of White House Petition Data

April 8, 2016 | data_steve

The OpenData movement has the White House producing and releasing some novel datasets. One of them is the We The People petition site. I learned about this from’s interesting python work using that data. From the petition site, you can see an interesting gallery of work done ... [Read more...]

R pkg Easter Eggs — Revenge of Pacman!

April 6, 2016 | data_steve

In my last post, I praised the virtues of pacman. I also wanted to indulge of one of the main benefits of working with one of pacman’s devs: Tyler Rinker. Tyler is a geek’s geek, in the best possible way. And one of the best officemates one could ... [Read more...]

R pkg Easter Eggs — Revenge of Pacman!

April 6, 2016 | data_steve

In my last post, I praised the virtues of pacman. I also wanted to indulge of one of the main benefits of working with one of pacman’s devs: Tyler Rinker. Tyler is a geek’s geek, in the best possible way. And one of the best officemates one coul... [Read more...]

Let pacman Eat Up library and require

April 4, 2016 | data_steve

One of the packages I use all the time now in my interactive R sessions is pacman. It’s more than just a nicer way to load packages, it’s a great way to explore packages, functions, package libraries, versioning, etc. Grab it off cran with install.packages("pacman"). Out ... [Read more...]

Let pacman Eat Up library and require

April 4, 2016 | data_steve

One of the packages I use all the time now in my interactive R sessions is pacman. It’s more than just a nicer way to load packages, it’s a great way to explore packages, functions, package libraries, versioning, etc. Grab it off cran with insta... [Read more...]

googleformr asks – why R u open-source?

March 25, 2016 | data_steve

googleformr is a CRAN package for collecting data programmatically via Google Forms. For collecting data online through user submissions, Google Forms can be a very convenient way to maintain a lot of control. Trying to use Google Sheets or public folders on Dropbox either requires maintain a lot of credentialling, ... [Read more...]

googleformr on CRAN

March 24, 2016 | data_steve

As I said in my last post, googleformr came out of a persistent series of questions: How to collect data remotely? And do it programmatically with R? And safely, easily, and free? Well, now googleformr is up on CRAN. Google Form niceties After getting googleformr on CRAN, I had intended ... [Read more...]

Porting Medium to Jekyll with R

March 23, 2016 | data_steve

[this transition post is a copy from my Medium account for your comparison.] I’m porting my Medium blog to host on Github using Jekyll at I decided to do it with code and make a package out of it in case others might want to. Reasons ... [Read more...]

Get Data – Safe, Easy, and Free

March 22, 2016 | data_steve

googleformr Genesis googleformr came out of a persistent series of questions: How to collect data remotely? And do it programmatically with R? And safely, easily, and free? Google seemed like an obvious choice. So gmail it? Save it as a spreadsheet and then email it? Aggregation is really an issue ... [Read more...]
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