Articles by Daniel

Print glm-output to HTML table #rstats

August 20, 2013 | Daniel

We often use logistic regression models in our analyses and we also often need to publish the results in table format. And, we always use MS Word since this is our standard office in our department. So I thought about … Weiterlesen → [Read more...]

Got Bootstrap?

June 23, 2013 | Daniel

This week I read the book by Michael Chernick and Robert LaBudde, An Introduction to Bootstrap Methods with Applications to R. It’s an interesting oeuvre for useRs of all stripes. I strongly recommend check it out. The book brings lots of examples of bootstrapping applications, such as standard errors, ... [Read more...]

Advanced Graphics I

June 22, 2013 | Daniel

Polygon is a such handy function in R for drawing beautiful charts where we can select regions (polygons) of the surface. It’s quite useful for indicating confidence regions of parameters, predictions for time-series, or areas under distributions: [Read more...]

Parallel Processing: When does it worth?

May 29, 2013 | Daniel

Most computers nowadays have few cores that incredibly help us with our daily computing duties. However, when statistical softwares do use parallelization for analyzing data faster? R, my preferred analytical package, does not take too much advantage of multicore processing by default. In fact, R has been inherently a “single-processor” ... [Read more...]

Plotting lm and glm models with ggplot #rstats

March 22, 2013 | Daniel

Update I followed the advice from Tim’s comment and changed the scaling in the sjPlotOdds-function to logarithmic scaling. The screenshots below showing the plotted glm’s have been updated. Summary In this posting I will show how to plot results from … Weiterlesen → [Read more...]

Changing Axis Values in R Plot

March 15, 2013 | Daniel

A colleague asked me for how one can change axis attributes in a basic plot. Plotting anything in R is really, really easy. It is enough typing plot(x, y). In general, plot functions are nicely pre-cooked, so hardly one needs to change anything. But if changes in the default ... [Read more...]

Easily plotting grouped bars with ggplot #rstats

March 5, 2013 | Daniel

Summary This tutorial shows how to create diagrams with grouped bar charts or dot plots with ggplot. The groups can also be displayed as facet grids. Importing the data from SPSS All following examples are based on an imported SPSS … Weiterlesen → [Read more...]

2013 World Universities Ranking

March 4, 2013 | Daniel

The Times Higher Education ( released its World Reputation Ranking. The ranking employs survey consultation among invited-only academics to measure reputation among several universities. It is assumed to be the world’s largest opinion survey of this sort across the globe. Every year, a list of ... [Read more...]

Simplify frequency plots with ggplot in R #rstats

February 25, 2013 | Daniel

Update March 5th All downloads are now accessible from my script page! Summary This posting shows how to plot frequency plots using the ggplot-package in R. Compared to SPSS standard outputs, you will learn how to create appealing diagrams ready … Weiterlesen → [Read more...]

Migrating from SPSS to R #rstats

February 22, 2013 | Daniel

Preface I will every now and then post my experience with R, a package for statistical analyses. I try to show some solutions for common types of analyses or problems you are facing when you start working with R. These … Weiterlesen → [Read more...]

Loading Big files in R

December 5, 2012 | Daniel

Far as I remember, today was the first day in my life I succeed to load a text file bigger than 1.5 Gb into R (~ 5 million lines and 18 columns). My computer is not a small stuff, I’m using a Macbook Pro with rough 8GB of RAM, but the issue why ... [Read more...]

Why [Not] Simulate?

November 27, 2012 | Daniel

Since we are in the “big data” Era, which means that a massive amount of data are made daily available by governments, institutions, and ordinary people like you and me—the importance of simulate data for “frequentists”, like myself, seems to fade. After all, once we have access to “real ... [Read more...]

Loading SPSS (.sav) into Stata

October 11, 2012 | Daniel

Most statistical softwares nowadays are able to convert their files to a wide range of other packages. Perhaps it is the reason for the discontinuity of old converter bundles like SAS Transport and DBMS. Interesting, however, Stata, a quite popular statistical package, still lack built-in support for exporting and importing ... [Read more...]

Running R through Stata on Mac OS

January 10, 2012 | Daniel

I’ve friends favouring Stata rather than R, while others do the inverse. However, few of them actually know that it is possible to work on both softwares, simultaneously inclusive. It is possible to integrate R and Stata, complementing so we can run almost all kind of analyses using them. ... [Read more...]
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