Articles by dan

Visualizing population density

August 3, 2015 | dan

MANHATTAN IS MORE EXTREME THAN YOU THINK IN POPULATION DENSITY Slinging numbers around all day, one adage we believe is that most surprising statistics are wrong. But here’s one that’s not: When you look at the 100 most populous counties in the USA, Manhattan (aka New York County) has ... [Read more...]

Job opening with Morningstar’s behavioral science team

July 8, 2015 | dan

Morningstar is looking for an applied behavioral scientist, to help understand and overcome the behavioral obstacles that individuals face to financing their retirement. The post Job opening with Morningstar’s behavioral science team appeared first on Decision Science News. [Read more...]

When did same-sex marriage laws become effective by state?

June 26, 2015 | dan

In light of the good news today that the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples have the right to marry in the United States, we thought we'd look when various states allowed same-sex couples to marry (if they did at all) before today. The post When did same-sex marriage laws ... [Read more...]

What size will you be after you lose weight?

November 14, 2014 | dan

REDDITORS’ BEFORE AND AFTER MEASUREMENTS ANALYZED Click to enlarge How many pounds do you need to lose in order to reduce your waistline by one inch? How many kilos do you need to lose to reduce your waistline by one centimeter? We wanted to find out. We were having trouble ... [Read more...]

Which airline should you be loyal to?

July 2, 2013 | dan

LOYALTY PROGRAM CHOICE BASED ON DEPARTURE COUNT If you read Decision Science News, you’re probably a professor or grad student or researcher or policy type who flies around a lot to conferences, symposia, workshops, tutorials, summer schools, and all-hands meetings. You travel the globe to give talks and work ... [Read more...]
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