1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10period [Read more...]
<span># $Id: GMT_relief.cpt,v 1.1 2001/09/23 23:11:20 pwessel Exp $</span> <span>#</span> <span># Colortable for whole earth relief used in Wessel topomaps</span> <span># Designed by P. Wessel and F. Martinez, SOEST</span> <span># COLOR_MODEL = RGB</span> -8000 0 0 0 -7000 0 5 25 -7000 0 5 25 -6000 0 10 50 -6000 0 10 50 -5000 0 80 125 -5000 0 80 125 -4000 0 150 200 -4000 0 150 200 -3000 86 197 184 -3000 86 197 184 -2000 172 245 168 -2000 172 245 168 -1000 211 250 211 -1000 211 250 211 0 250 255 255 0 70 120 50 500 120 100 50 500 120 100 50 1000 146 126 60 1000 146 126 60 2000 198 178 80 2000 198 178 80 3000 250 230 100 3000 250 230 100 4000 250 234 126 4000 250 234 126 5000 252 238 152 5000 252 238 152 6000 252 243 177 6000 252 243 177 7000 253 249 216 7000 253 249 216 8000 255 255 255 F 255 255 255 B 0 0 0 N 255 255 255R code to read ... [Read more...]
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