Articles by Colin Fay

{golem} 0.3.2 is now available

March 11, 2022 | Colin Fay

You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: {golem} 0.3.2 is now available The new version of {golem} is now available! You can download it from your favorite CRAN repository, or by running the following command: remotes::install_github( “thinkr-open/golem@v0.3.2” ) What’... [Read more...]

About {golem} 0.3.1

May 31, 2021 | Colin Fay

You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: About {golem} 0.3.1 The new version of {golem} (0.3.1) has been available on CRAN ? for about a month now. This new version includes a lot of new things, but we notably focused on working on two ... [Read more...]

Add POST requests to {shiny} with {brochure}

February 27, 2021 | Colin Fay

[Disclaimer] The package presented in this blog post is still experimental at the time of writing these lines (2021-02-28), so it might face some API changes in the future. Yesterday Jacqueline’s tweeted about her need to add POST requests to a {shiny... [Read more...]

Multi-page {shiny} Applications with {brochure}

February 17, 2021 | Colin Fay

[Disclaimer] The package presented in this blog post is still experimental at the time of writing these lines (2021-02-18), so it might face some API changes in the future. Multi-page in {shiny}, and random thoughts about designing web applications Something that has been bugging me for a while is ... [Read more...]

Advent of Code 2020-09 with R

December 8, 2020 | Colin Fay

Solving Advent of Code 2020-09 with R & Neo4j. [Disclaimer] Obviously, this post contains a big spoiler about Advent of Code. Instructions We have a XMAS code, which: Start with 25 numbers Any following number should be the su... [Read more...]

We Run for RLadies

October 4, 2020 | Colin Fay

Hey internet, it’s me again! If you follow this blog, you’ve seen two weeks ago that we launched a “Run for RLadies” online event, where you could sponsor runners from the RStats Strava Club (and others), by matching 1$/€ by km run during a run made o... [Read more...]

‘Run for RLadies’ online event

September 19, 2020 | Colin Fay

Hey internet! Around two weeks ago I started a club on Strava called “The RStats Strava Club”, with no real idea in mind, I just wanted to virtually gather runners from the R community, the one that I already know, and the one I didn’t know yet. It wa... [Read more...]

Hello hordes!

June 16, 2020 | Colin Fay

Introducing hordes, a module that makes R available from NodeJS. About General philosophy The general idea of hordes is that NodeJS is the perfect tool when it comes to HTTP i/o, hence we can leverage the strength of this ecosystem to build Web Serv... [Read more...]

What’s a “successful” Shiny Application?

June 10, 2020 | Colin Fay

One of the things that we keep promoting in the ThinkR team are good practices for production software engineering in R. Of course, that implies Shiny Applications—and even more if we introduce the {golem} package, which promotes good practices for “production-grade” Shiny application. But let’s take a step ... [Read more...]

Learning Shiny for Production

May 30, 2020 | Colin Fay

Hey Shiny devs of the world! I’m leading a training in July about building a Shiny application for production. It will be a 10 half-day session, with everything happening remotely, meaning that you can attend from anywhere in the world ????. During ... [Read more...]

Use R & GitHub as a Workout planner

April 19, 2020 | Colin Fay

Over the years, I’ve been trying a bunch a different applications and methods to stay motivated to workout. But every time it’s the same: at some point the application is great but limited if you do not pay, or the workouts are repetitive, or simpl...
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