Articles by C

Google AI Challenge: Languages Used by the Best Programmers

December 2, 2010 | C

The Google AI Challenge recently wrapped up with a Lisp developer from Hungary as the winner.  The competition challenges contestants to create bots that push the limits of AI and game theory.  These bots compete against one another, and a complete ranking of competitors is available.  The big story today ... [Read more...]

Mortgage Calculator (and Amortization Charts) with R

November 10, 2010 | C

Mortgage rates have been at historic lows recently.  The rates are posted various places online along with simple mortgage calculators.  Such calculators illustrate the payment schedule for a mortgage based upon selected terms. But with less ... [Read more...]

Don’t be a Turkey

November 9, 2010 | C

'Indeed, I am moving on: my new project is about methods on how to domesticate the unknown, exploit randomness, figure out how to live in a world we don't understand very well. While most human thought (particularly since the enlightenment) has focused us on how to turn knowledge into decisions, ... [Read more...]

iPhone App Store Acceptance Time / Download Results

November 3, 2010 | C

   Complaints about the iPhone App Store are not uncommon among developers.  The submission process is frustrating at best, you can expect arbitrary rejections, and Apple's policies have not always been particularly open or welcoming. &... [Read more...]

2010 ggplot2 Case Study Competition Winners

October 16, 2010 | C

The 2010 ggplot2 Case Study Competition Winners have been announced!  Congratulations to the winners!Grand Prize: David Kahle, Rice UniversityFinalist: Michael Lavine, UMass Amherst Finalist: Claudia Beleites, TU Dresden & Uni.... [Read more...]

Cramer’s Stock Pick Recommendations Analyzed

October 16, 2010 | C

Bill Alpert of Barron’s has demonstrated the use of R in financial journalism as he criticized the performance of Jim Cramer’s stock picks.  Patrick Burns was an advisor for the analysis done in the article.  R was an important tool that allowed them to do their research as ... [Read more...]

Belgian Astronomers and Exercise Machines

October 6, 2010 | C

In the twisting paths of human discovery, you never quite know what intellectual enterprise is going to result in a world changing discovery.  For instance, the mathematical notion of expected value did not grow up in a sterile, academic environment.   In 1654 Blaise Pascal was approached by Chevalier de Méré ... [Read more...]

Max Heart Rate Calculations Compared

October 4, 2010 | C

Physical fitness has become increasingly technical and data driven.  I started running a bit in the last few months and have been delving into the prevailing wisdom related to assessing ones health as a baseline for pursuing various fitness goals.... [Read more...]

Find Duplicate Records in a File

September 24, 2010 | C

In the world of data preparation a common task is to identify duplicate records in a file or data set.  A few years ago, I did most development work in Java, and shudder to think of the amount of code required to accomplish this sort of task. &nbs... [Read more...]

New World Bank Data Available

September 22, 2010 | C

Just announced:  World Bank Data features and data are available.  Previous posts have demonstrated how to access and plot this data using R (including the use of the R WDI package).  The chart above can be created using the following pr... [Read more...]

Elder Research Two Day Course

September 18, 2010 | C

... or what I did on my summer vacation...Just got back from the Elder Research Two Day Course "Tools for Discovering Patterns in Data".  It was a great course that (while not R specific) provides a great overview of Data Mining tools and tec... [Read more...]

Ah Bach…

September 7, 2010 | C

As announced by David Smith over at Revolution Analytics,  a ggplot2 Case Study Competition is on...   Rather than blogging for the last few days, I cobbled together an entry.  It is not a particularly mind bending use of ... [Read more...]

Bot Botany – K-Means and ggplot2

September 2, 2010 | C

So if you had a robot that was an expert at botany - would you have a bot botanist?  Among other things, it would need to to distinguish flowers through vision and image processing, and be able to classify various kinds of plants based upon specif... [Read more...]

Better than Average

August 31, 2010 | C

The NIST's The Engineering Statistics Handbook includes an Introduction to Time Series Analysis which provides a great way of demonstrating how R can be used to make such calculations.  This post replicates the analys... [Read more...]

Fractals in R

August 27, 2010 | C

Atte Tenkanen had a blog on fractals using R for a time. Much of his source code is still available online.  To produce his version of the Mandelbrot set:source('')Fractals (such... [Read more...]

How Safe is Your Money?

August 24, 2010 | C

The FDIC regularly publishes a Failed Bank List and related statistics.  This post uses data in the original XLS from the FDIC web site which is formatted for human consumption to produce the charts below using R.  Note that 2010 data be...
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Map of Upcoming Ruby Conferences

August 21, 2010 | C

One of the top searches on rubyflow is “conference”.  A recent post showed how to create a map with the location of the 2010 R User Conference.  So why not expand on the subject and create a map with numerous conference locations thr...
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