Articles by Business Science

How I analyze 100+ ggplots at once

March 30, 2022 | Business Science

Visualizing big data is next to impossible. As soon as I have 12 plots, that’s where my ability to use native ggplot suffers. That is until I found trelliscopejs. trelliscopejs is like ggplot2 faceting on steroids. This may seem crazy, but the benefit...
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Tidy Time Series Forecasting in R with Spark

October 19, 2021 | Business Science

I’m SUPER EXCITED to show fellow time-series enthusiasts a new way that we can scale time series analysis using an amazing technology called Spark! Without Spark, large-scale forecasting projects of 10,000 time series can take days to run because of long-running for-loops and the need to test many models on ...
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Tidy Parallel Processing in R with furrr

September 13, 2021 | Business Science

Parallel processing in the tidyverse couldn’t be easier with the furrr package. If you are familiar with the purrr::map() function, then you’ll love furrr::future_map(), which we’ll use in this FREE R-Tip training to get a 2.6X speed-up in our code. R...
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Forecasting Many Time Series (Using NO For-Loops)

July 18, 2021 | Business Science

Spending too much time on making iterative forecasts? I’m super excited to introduce the new panel data forecasting functionality in modeltime. It’s perfect for forecasting many time series at once without for-loops saving you time ⏱️ and aggravation ?. Just say NO to for-loops for forecasting. Fitting many time series ...
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