Articles by Brenden Smith

I Made R Text For Me

March 22, 2024 | Brenden Smith

Introduction Up front, I have problems with procrastination. The last few years in graduate school have made me prioritize certain things MUCH better. However, in my personal life, I still struggle. I continue to put off things that I would rat... [Read more...]

What’s New in CDCPLACES 1.1.5

March 18, 2024 | Brenden Smith

An earlier version of this blog post was published on February 6, 2024 and described the new features in the development version of this package. This update shows all of the new features of the package as of March 16, 2024. Introduction CDCPLA...
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Introducing the CDCPLACES Package

January 9, 2024 | Brenden Smith

This post was updated on March 19, 2024 to reflect updates introduced in CDCPLACES 1.1.5. Introduction To begin, we can install from CRAN, or from github, then load our packages. Code # Install from CRAN # install.packages("CDCPLACES) # Inst...
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