Articles by Bob Muenchen

SAS Dominates Analytics Job Market; R up 42%

May 29, 2013 | Bob Muenchen

I’m continuing to gather and analyze data to update The Popularity of Data Analysis Software. In this installment I cover the latest employment figures. Employment is important to us all, so what software skills are employers seeking? A thorough answer … Continue reading → [Read more...]

R Tackles Big Garbage

April 1, 2013 | Bob Muenchen

April 1, 2013 – Although the capabilities of the R system for data analytics have been expanding with impressive speed, it has heretofore been missing important fundamental methods. A new function works with the popular plyr package to provide these missing … Continue reading → [Read more...]

What Analytic Software are People Discussing?

February 12, 2013 | Bob Muenchen

by Robert A. Muenchen How can we measure the popularity or market share of analytic software? One way is to see what people are discussing. I’m in the process of updating my annual article, The Popularity of Data Analysis Software. Below … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Specifying Variables in R

September 25, 2012 | Bob Muenchen

R has several ways to specify which variables to use in an analysis. Some of the most frustrating errors can result from not understanding the order in which R searches for variables. This post demonstrates that order, hopefully smoothing your … Continue reading → [Read more...]

SAS Beats R on July 2012 TIOBE Rankings

July 10, 2012 | Bob Muenchen

The TIOBE Community Programming Index ranks the popularity of programming languages, but from a programming language perspective rather than as analytical software ( It extracts measurements from blogs, entries in Wikipedia, books on Amazon, search engine results, etc. and combines them into a single index. … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Why R is Hard to Learn

June 13, 2012 | Bob Muenchen

The open source R software for analytics has a reputation for being hard to learn. It certainly can be, especially for people who are already familiar with similar packages such as SAS, SPSS or Stata. Training and documentation that leverages … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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