Articles by Bob Carpenter

R and OOP anti-patterns

June 9, 2023 | Bob Carpenter

Thomas Lumley just dropped a blog post, Blank cheque inheritance and statistical objects, which begins as follows. One of the problems with object-oriented programming for statistical methods is that inheritance is backwards. Everything is fine for data structures, and Bioconductor … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Just show me the data, baseball edition

August 8, 2022 | Bob Carpenter

Andrew’s always enjoining people to include their raw data. Jim Albert, of course, does it right. Here’s a recent post from his always fascinating baseball blog, Exploring Baseball Data with R, 49 seasons of the designated hitter. The post “just” … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Drunk-under-the-lamppost testing

July 7, 2020 | Bob Carpenter

I’m writing a response here to Abraham Mathews’s post, Best practices for code review, R edition, because my comment there didn’t show up and I think the topic’s important. Mathews’s post starts out on the right track, then veers away from best practices in the ... [Read more...]

Naming conventions for variables, functions, etc.

March 11, 2020 | Bob Carpenter

The golden rule of code layout is that code should be written to be readable. And that means readable by others, including you in the future. Three principles of naming follow: 1. Names should mean something. 2. Names should be as short as possible. 3. Use your judgement to balance (1) and (2). The third […] [Read more...]

Beautiful paper on HMMs and derivatives

December 16, 2019 | Bob Carpenter

I’ve been talking to Michael Betancourt and Charles Margossian about implementing analytic derivatives for HMMs in Stan to reduce memory overhead and increase speed. For now, one has to implement the forward algorithm in the Stan program and let Stan autodiff through it. I worked out the adjoint method (... [Read more...]

StanCon Helsinki streaming live now (and tomorrow)

August 30, 2018 | Bob Carpenter

We’re streaming live right now! Thursday 08:45-17:30: YouTube Link Friday 09:00-17:00: YouTube Link Timezone is Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) +0300 UTC Here’s a link to the full program [link fixed]. There have already been some great talks and they’ll all be posted with slides and runnable source ... [Read more...]

StanCon Helsinki streaming live now (and tomorrow)

August 30, 2018 | Bob Carpenter

We’re streaming live right now! Thursday 08:45-17:30: YouTube Link Friday 09:00-17:00: YouTube Link Timezone is Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) +0300 UTC Here’s a link to the full program [link fixed]. There have already been some great talks and they’ll all be posted with slides and runnable source ... [Read more...]
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