Articles by Bluecology blog

Setting up VScode for R and Cline

February 6, 2025 | Bluecology blog

Setting up VScode for R and Cline Cline lets you create and run entire workflows via using prompts to a large language model. Its not widely used in the R community yet, but I expect it will be soon. You can create your entire R project, interpret the... [Read more...]

Probability intervals with GAMs

January 4, 2024 | Bluecology blog

Probability intervals with GAMs A neat trick with GAMs (generalized additive models) fit using the mgcv package is that you can use simulation to get Bayesian credible intervals. This is handy because it means you can easily calculate probabilities fo... [Read more...]

Tips for using chatGPT to learn R

April 6, 2023 | Bluecology blog

Tips for using chatGPT to learn R ChatGPT can help you learn R code. Here are some tips my team and I have worked out for ways to use the model to help with learning R. There is also an askgpt package now that is meant to integrate ChatGPT directly ... [Read more...]

Organising R scripts

March 9, 2023 | Bluecology blog

Organising R scripts Here’s some key points for how I organise my R projects. Folder structure I use the folder structure from the excellent collaboration framework Max Campbell created for my lab. This allows us to share and backup code via github,... [Read more...]

R workshops Brisbane February 2023

October 9, 2022 | Bluecology blog

R workshops Brisbane February 2023 Hands-on R training! February 14th-17th 2023 Presenters Professor Anthony J. Richardson (UQ CARM) Professor David Schoeman (University Sunshine Coast) Associate Professor Chris Brown (Griffith University) Dr Christ... [Read more...]

Fast functions with pipes

December 28, 2020 | Bluecology blog

Fast functions with pipes Pipes are becoming popular R syntax, because they help make code more readable and can speed up coding. You can even use pipes to create functions. This is handy if you want to repeat a piped process for several different dat... [Read more...]

R workshops in Brisbane 2021

October 25, 2020 | Bluecology blog

R workshops in Brisbane 2021 Our annual series of popular R workshops is on again between 5th and 12th February 2021, in person at the University of Queensland. Over the past 5 years we’ve successfully trained hundreds of academics, researchers and s... [Read more...]
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