Articles by Ashish Dutt

Stories Data Speak 2023-04-29 05:33:17

April 29, 2023 | Ashish Dutt

Introduction Recently, I stepped into the AWS ecosystem to learn and explore its capabilities. I’m documenting my experiences in these series of posts. Hopefully, they will serve as a reference point to me in future or for anyone else following this p...
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Employee flight risk modeling behavior

May 28, 2019 | Ashish Dutt

An analytical model for predicting employee flight risk behaviour “People are the nucleus of any organization. So, how can you find, engage and retain top performers who’ll contribute to your goals, your future?” There is no dearth of Enterpris...
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Learning a classifier from census data

March 1, 2017 | Ashish Dutt

Introduction While reading the local daily, “The Star”, my attention was caught by headlines discussing an ongoing political or social discussion on the country’s financial state. Often, it is interesting to know the underlying cause of a certai...
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Data Transformations in R

January 10, 2017 | Ashish Dutt

A number of reasons can be attributed to when a predictive model crumples such as: Inadequate data pre-processing Inadequate model validation Unjustified extrapolation Over-fitting (Kuhn, 2013) Before we div... [Read more...]

Data Splitting

August 8, 2016 | Ashish Dutt

A few common steps in data model building are; Pre-processing the predictor data (predictor - independent variable's) Estimating the model parameters Selecting the predictors for the model Evaluating the model performance Fine tuning the class pr...
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