Articles by Ari Lamstein

New Package: choroplethrCaCensusTract

June 11, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Today I am happy to announce that my newest R package, choroplethrCaCensusTract, is now available on github. The package’s title is a combination of three words: choroplethr: the package has similar functions and data objects as my package choroplethr. The name choroplethr itself is a combination of the words ...
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Welcome to!

June 4, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Today I am happy to announce that I have migrated my blog from to I thought I would give an inside peek into the change in case others have an interest. Also, I would personally like to see more R packages and blogs, and I ...
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Tutorial Recap: Analyzing Census Data in R

May 22, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

A big thanks to Gabriela de Quieroz for organizing the San Francisco R-ladies Meetup, where I spent a few hours yesterday introducing people to my census-related R packages. A special thanks to Sharethrough as well, for letting us use their space for the event. It was my first time running ... [Read more...]

Upcoming Tutorial: Analyzing US Census Data in R

May 11, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Today I am pleased to announce that on May 21 I will run a tutorial titled Analyzing US Census Data in R. While I have spoken at conferences before, this is my first time running a tutorial. My hope is that everyone who participates will learn something interesting about the demographics ... [Read more...]

choroplethr v3.0.0 is now on CRAN

March 16, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Today I am happy to announce that version 3.0.0 of my R mapping package choroplethr is now available from CRAN. To get it, you can simply type: install.packages("choroplethr") from an R console. If you don’t know what any of this means then I recommend taking Coursera’s excellent ...
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