Articles by Ari Lamstein

Free Webinar: Learn to Map Unemployment Data in R

November 10, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Last month I ran my first webinar (“Make a Census Explorer with Shiny”). About 100 people showed up, and feedback from the participants was great. I also had a lot of fun myself. Because of this, I’ve decided to do one more webinar before my free trial with the webinar ...
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Interesting Datasets I Recently Learned About

November 9, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Last week I spoke about my census-mapping work at two great venues: the EARL Conference in Boston and the NY Open Statistical Programming Meetup in New York. After my talks many people shared their own experiences mapping public datasets. I thought that I would pass along that information in case ... [Read more...]

Free Webinar: Make a Census Explorer with Shiny

October 22, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Next Friday at noon PDT I will be hosting a free webinar titled Make a Census Explorer with Shiny. You can register for it here. Space is limited, so if you are interested then I recommend that you reserve your space today. The content will be very similar to the ... [Read more...]

Interactive Scatterplots of Census Data Using ggvis

October 17, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Today I finished two projects that had been on my mind for a while: Try out ggvis, the interactive successor to ggplot2 Create interactive scatterplots of census data You can see the resulting shiny app here. The app lets you create a scatterplot of any pair of demographic variables that ... [Read more...]

How to Change the Reference Map in Choroplethr

October 8, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Last week I released an update to choroplethr that lets you combine choropleth maps with reference maps. Since that post many people have asked if it’s possible to change the reference map that choroplethr uses. The answer is yes, but it requires some code. Here is the same choropleth (...
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Free R Help: October Edition

October 5, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Last Month I offered 10 slots of Free R Help and the response was overwhelming. About 100 people requested slots, which was much more than I expected. Many of the people who I helped had taken online R courses such as the Coursera Data Science Specialization, but were struggling with applying what ... [Read more...]

Combining Choropleth Maps and Reference Maps in R

September 30, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Recent updates to my mapping packages now make it easy to combine choropleth maps and reference maps in R. All you have to do is pass the parameter reference_map = TRUE to the existing functions. This should “just work”, regardless of which region you zoom in on or what data ...
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Free R Help

September 3, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Today I am giving away 10 sessions of free, online, one-on-one R help. My hope is to get a better understanding of how my readers use R, and the issues they face when working on their own projects. The sessions will be over the next two weeks, online and 30-60 minutes ...
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New release: Choroplethr v3.2.0

August 27, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Today I am happy to announce that a new version of choroplethr, v3.2.0, is now available. You can get it by typing the following from an R console: install.packages("choroplethr") Note that it sometimes takes a few days for new packages to get copied to each CRAN mirror. If ...
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Mapping Historic US Presidential Election Results

August 13, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Today I will demonstrate how to map historic US Presidential Election results in R. If you want to skip ahead and play with a shiny app that lets you visualize this dataset, then click here. The dataset we will use comes from wikipedia’s List of United States presidential election ...
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Tutorial Recap: Make a Census Explorer with Shiny

August 6, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

On July 28 I had the pleasure of leading a tutorial titled Make a Census Explorer with Shiny! at the San Francisco R-ladies Meetup. A big thank you to Gabriela de Queiroz for organizing the event, Sharethrough for hosting it, and all the participants for attending. If you are interested in ...
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Administrative Maps and Projections in R

July 23, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Today I will demonstrate how to create maps of “other countries”, and use map projections, with the choroplethr package in R. I write “other countries” in quotes because, like most things, translating a high level wish into software can be complicated. If you want to skip ahead and play with ...
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New Tutorial: Make a Census Explorer!

July 9, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

Today I am happy to announce a new tutorial I am running titled Make a Census Explorer with Shiny! It is free and will be held July 28 in San Francisco. In the tutorial we will combine R’s Shiny framework for web development with the census-mapping choroplethr package to create ...
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Exploring the Demographics of Ferguson, Missouri

July 2, 2015 | Ari Lamstein

One interesting feature of Census data is that it can help us to better understand current events and claims by the media. For example, the news coverage of the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri often reported that Ferguson is predominately black, while the police officers are predominately white. ...
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