Articles by Ari Lamstein

Live Event: Blogging for Data Scientists

February 6, 2017 | Ari Lamstein

This Thursday at 10am I will be doing a live event with John Sonmez, the founder of SimpleProgrammer. The presentation is titled Blogging for Data Scientists. John... The post Live Event: Blogging for Data Scientists appeared first on
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Choroplethr v3.5.3 is now on CRAN

January 16, 2017 | Ari Lamstein

A new version of choroplethr is now on CRAN. You can get it by typing the following: Motivation This new version was motivated by a few... The post Choroplethr v3.5.3 is now on CRAN appeared first on
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Questions for the Census Bureau?

November 14, 2016 | Ari Lamstein

Next week I will be traveling to Washington to meet with someone at the US Census Bureau. While I’ve had several phone calls with people... The post Questions for the Census Bureau? appeared first on [Read more...]

How to “get good at R”

October 18, 2016 | Ari Lamstein

Recently a few people in my membership site have asked me the following question: How can I get good at R? This has come up enough... The post How to “get good at R” appeared first on [Read more...]

Monetizing R Portfolios

September 24, 2016 | Ari Lamstein

I recently ran an office hours on the topic of building R Portfolios. The conversation was fascinating to me. One issue that came up was monetization.... The post Monetizing R Portfolios appeared first on [Read more...]

Update on the R Shapefile Contest

July 26, 2016 | Ari Lamstein

This is a reminder that the R Shapefile Contest ends this Friday, July 29! We already have four incredible entries: Kent Johnson looked at the Cambridge Outdoor... The post Update on the R Shapefile Contest appeared first on
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Announcing the R Shapefile Contest

July 12, 2016 | Ari Lamstein

Today I am happy to announce the R Shapefile Contest. The goal of the contest is to encourage and promote high quality work at the intersection... The post Announcing the R Shapefile Contest appeared first on
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Remote Pair Programming in R

June 2, 2016 | Ari Lamstein

Recently I’ve been doing a lot of remote pair programming with clients. A few people have asked how this works. Rather than try to explain it, I recorded one of my sessions with a client last week, and you can watch it below: The actual session was about an ... [Read more...]

Jeff Meisel’s Workshop @ ODSC

May 27, 2016 | Ari Lamstein

Today I’d like to draw attention to a workshop that Jeffrey Meisel gave at the Open Data Science Conference East (ODSC East) in Boston last weekend. Jeff is the Chief Marketing Officer of the US Census Bureau, and for a few months we’ve been talking about how to ... [Read more...]
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