Articles by ArData

tabular and flextable

April 6, 2023 | ArData

tabular example turn it to a flextable Use row separator Enrich with flextable Add into a document The package ‘flextable’ (Gohel and Skintzos 2023) provides a method as_flextable() to benefit from table objects created with package ‘tables’ (Murdoch 2023). Function tables::tabular() is a powerful tool that let users easily create ... [Read more...]

flextable supports RTF

April 4, 2023 | ArData

Usages The table for the illustration Preparation The flextable Annotations RTF generation Version 0.9 of the ‘flextable’ package adds the possibility to produce tables in RTF documents. This format is rare but mandatory for some communities, i.e. mainly in the pharmaceutical industry to our knowledge. Usages Two methods can be ... [Read more...]

flextable for ‘Grid graphics’

April 2, 2023 | ArData

Export table as png Function gen_grob Simple usage The resizing options Content wrapping One of the great features of the flextable package is the ability to work with ‘Grid graphics’ format. The gen_grob() function generates a grob (Graphical Object) from a flextable, which can then be added to ...
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Word documents update from R with doconv

August 24, 2022 | ArData

If you are a Word user, it is now possible to automatically update fields and tables of contents instead of having to do it manually from Word, provided you have Word available on the PC hosting R. According to an issue on github (link) and other re...
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flextable 0.7.2 is out

June 22, 2022 | ArData

tabulator Summarizor for table summary Automating flextable printing data.frames as flextables Models as flextables Separate column names into multiple rows GitHub Discussions The latest version of ‘flextable’ is on CRAN since few days. This version comes with some major improvements: soft returns \n are now supported in autofit(), the ... [Read more...]

Shiny Modules (part 3): Dynamic module call

June 30, 2019 | ArData

On the previous post “Share reactive among multiple modules” we showed how to send/get data to/from modules. Now that toying with modules has no more secret for you. You may want to call one module multiple times without having to explicitly code it ? On this article we will ... [Read more...]

News from ggiraph

May 23, 2019 | ArData

ggiraph 0.6.1 has evolved, this post presents work that has been done recently. ggiraph, what is it? The ggiraph package lets you work with ggplot and produce interactive graphics. The number of features is low and ggiraph usage is simple. The three features to be aware of are: ability to animate ...
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Save a flextable as an image

May 22, 2019 | ArData

flextable 0.5.4 is now on CRAN. It contains a new output option that some users were asking: image output. You can now save a flextable as a png or pdf file with function save_as_image. The solution was existing since a long time but was buried in a stackoverflow question ...
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Shiny Modules (part 2): Share reactive among multiple modules

April 25, 2019 | ArData

On the previous post we showed why modules are usefull to build Shiny applications. We also saw a first minimal “Hello-World” example. It can get difficult to share reactive from/to modules. On this post we will see the 3 most common use cases of data workflow: Module → Application Application → Module ...
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Shiny Modules (part 1) : Why using modules ?

February 10, 2019 | ArData

Short introduction to Shiny modules Building complex Shiny application can lead to code duplication. Shiny modules are the solution to this code duplication. A Shiny module is a piece of a Shiny app reusable inside more complex app. Thus, a module can be seen as a function that could be ...
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flextable 0.4.0 is out

January 10, 2018 | ArData

The package flextable is existing since mid 2016 and I did not made any communication about it; obviously if I wrote it, I’d like it to be used by R users! That post is an attempt to fix that. The flextable package makes it simpler to create tables for reporting ...
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officer version 0.1.6

September 12, 2017 | ArData

It’s time to announce the release of officer version 0.1.6. It allows to generate Microsoft documents from R; supported formats are Word and PowerPoint. It does come with other new packages1: flextable: produces sophisticated tables. rvg: produces vector graphics for PowerPoints mschart: produces native Microsoft charts Package officer is the ...
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ggiraph 0.3.3 is out

March 28, 2017 | ArData

I am excited to announce the release of ggiraph version 0.3.3. The package did not evolved that much within the last months as I was busy on other projects. I finally found time last week to work on it. The new version fixes an issue with pan effect (that was not ... [Read more...]

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