Articles by Andrzej Białaś

How R Shiny Helps Protect Coral Reefs in Micronesia

May 11, 2023 | Andrzej Białaś

Appsilon is on a mission to tackle global challenges around climate change and biodiversity loss – the biggest threats faced by humanity. We collaborate with scientists, organizations, and businesses to make a positive impact on the world. Coral reefs are essential to the survival of marine life, and for the people ...
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Climate Change and Forests: The Story of Vanishing Pines

November 15, 2022 | Andrzej Białaś

Climate Change presents us with one of the most prevalent and dangerous challenges of our time. Its consequences will have a transforming impact on society in the twenty-first century.  Today we can already observe these threats materialize, with sea levels rising and the proliferation of heat waves. The global average ...
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