Articles by Achim Zeileis

Was Trump confused by rainbow color map?

September 8, 2019 | Achim Zeileis

In the controversy over Hurricane Dorian, US President Donald Trump repeatedly claimed that early forecasts showed a high probability of Alabama being hit. We demonstrate that a potentially confusing rainbow color map in the official weather ...
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Was Trump confused by rainbow color map?

September 8, 2019 | Achim Zeileis

In the controversy over Hurricane Dorian, US President Donald Trump repeatedly claimed that early forecasts showed a high probability of Alabama being hit. We demonstrate that a potentially confusing rainbow color map in the official weather forecasts may have attributed to Trump overestimating the risk. Hurricane Dorian and the Alabama ...
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Was Trump confused by rainbow color map?

September 8, 2019 | Achim Zeileis

In the controversy over Hurricane Dorian, US President Donald Trump repeatedly claimed that early forecasts showed a high probability of Alabama being hit. We demonstrate that a potentially confusing rainbow color map in the official weather ... [Read more...]

colorspace @ useR! 2019

September 1, 2019 | Achim Zeileis

Conference presentation about the colorspace toolbox for manipulating and assessing color palettes at useR! 2019 in Toulouse: Slides, video, replication materials, and working paper. Abstract (Authors: Achim Zeileis, Jason C. F...
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colorspace @ useR! 2019

September 1, 2019 | Achim Zeileis

Conference presentation about the colorspace toolbox for manipulating and assessing color palettes at useR! 2019 in Toulouse: Slides, video, replication materials, and working paper. Abstract (Authors: Achim Zeileis, Jason C. F...
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colorspace @ useR! 2019

September 1, 2019 | Achim Zeileis

Conference presentation about the colorspace toolbox for manipulating and assessing color palettes at useR! 2019 in Toulouse: Slides, video, replication materials, and working paper. Abstract (Authors: Achim Zeileis, Jason C. F... [Read more...]

Network model trees

July 30, 2019 | Achim Zeileis

The effect of covariates on correlations in psychometric networks is assessed with either model-based recursive partitioning (MOB) or conditional inference trees (CTree). Citation Jones PJ, Mair P, Simon T, Zeileis A (2019). “N... [Read more...]

Network model trees

July 30, 2019 | Achim Zeileis

The effect of covariates on correlations in psychometric networks is assessed with either model-based recursive partitioning (MOB) or conditional inference trees (CTree). Citation Jones PJ, Mair P, Simon T, Zeileis A (2019). “N...
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Network model trees

July 30, 2019 | Achim Zeileis

The effect of covariates on correlations in psychometric networks is assessed with either model-based recursive partitioning (MOB) or conditional inference trees (CTree). Citation Jones PJ, Mair P, Simon T, Zeileis A (2019). ?...
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