
If this is your first time encountering “R”: The R language (and open-source software) is the de facto standard among statisticians for the development of statistical software, and is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis (for more details about R you can read the post “What is R?“)

What is R-Bloggers.com?

R-Bloggers is about empowering bloggers to empower other R users.

R-Bloggers.com is a blog aggregator of content contributed by bloggers who write about R (in English). The site helps R bloggers and users to connect and follow the “R blogosphere” (you can view a 7 minute talk, from useR2011, for more information about the R-blogosphere).

How does R-Bloggers operate?

This site will aggregate feeds (only with permission!) from participating R blogs. The beginnings of each participating blog’s posts will automatically be displayed on the main page; inside every post there is a link to the  original blog and links to other related articles.  All participating blogs will have links in the “Contributors” section of our sidebar

What does R-Bloggers offer you?

  • Discover (for all): Find new R blogs you didn’t know about. And Search in them for content you want.
  • Follow (for people who don’t use RSS): Enter your e-mail and subscribe to receive a daily digest with teasers of new posts from participating blogs.  You will more easily get a sense of hot topics in the R blogosphere.
  • Connect (for facebook users): Click on “Fan this site” to become a “fan” of R Bloggers.  You can then “friend” other people and share thoughts on our wall. Or just by leaving comments on the original poster’s blog.
  • Participate (for bloggers): Add your R blog to get increased visibility (for readers and search engines) with permanent links on our Contributors section.  Your blog will also gain visibility via our e-mail digest and through your presence on the main page with posts.

How do I become a participating blog in R Bloggers?

To add your blog, simply click on Add your blog! and enter the required information.

R-bloggers is R centric and therefor only accept posts which are directly related to R. That means that your posts (often) need to either have R code in them (or at least say the word “R”), or deal with the R system, R implementation of some interesting case study, or the R community. General (non R related) posts about statistics, programming or life do not belong here. If you blog about other things than R, that is fine, just make sure to create an “R” category in your blog and submit only it (if you don’t know what is your R category feed is, just submit it as is – and I will help you).

I will review your link and approve it in a timely fashion.

How can I help?

We share readers to gain readers!  If you haven’t already, submit your blog.  Please put a link from your blog to R-Bloggers from your sidebar (we do the same for you); you can even put up a post about us – if each blogger will do so – all of us will gain from it.  You can also join our Facebook page and share it with your friends on Facebook.  If you know of other R bloggers who are not yet participating, please let them know about the site and urge them to add their blogs.

Who started R-Bloggers (and why)?

R Bloggers was started by Tal Galili. After searching for numerous R blogs, Tal (well, me) decided that there must be more R blogs our there than he knows about, and maybe the best way for finding them is to make them find him. You can reach Tal via the Contact page (or just e-mail him: tal.galili@gmail.com).

Other links:


FOAS-logoR-bloggers is proudly affiliated with theFoundation for Open Access Statistics(FOAS). FOAS is a nonprofit public benefit corporation with a worldwide mission to promote free software, open access publishing, and reproducible research in statistics.