Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: Modelling Survival Data – Semi-Parametric Analyses
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Next on modelling survival data from Veterinary Epidemiologic Research: semi-parametric analyses. With non-parametric analyses, we could only evaluate the effect one or a small number of variables. To evaluate multiple explanatory variables, we analyze data with a proportional hazards model, the Cox regression. The functional form of the baseline hazard is not specified, which make the Cox model a semi-parametric model.
A Cox proportional hazards model is fit hereafter, on data from a clinical trial of the effect of prostaglandin adminsitration on the start of breeding period of dairy cows:
temp <- tempfile() download.file( "", temp) load(unz(temp, "ver2_data_R/pgtrial.rdata")) unlink(temp) library(Hmisc) pgtrial <- upData(pgtrial, labels = c(herd = 'Herd id', cow = 'Cow id', tx = 'Treatment', lact = 'Lactation number', thin = 'Body condition', dar = 'Days at risk', preg = 'Pregnant or censored'), levels = list(thin = list('normal' = 0, 'thin' = 1), preg = list('censored' = 0, 'pregnant' = 1))) pgtrial$herd <- as.factor(pgtrial$herd) library(survival) coxph.mod <- coxph(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ herd + tx + lact + thin, data = pgtrial, ties = 'breslow') (coxph.sum <- summary(coxph.mod)) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(dar, preg == "pregnant") ~ herd + tx + lact + thin, data = pgtrial, ties = "breslow") n= 319, number of events= 264 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) herd2 -0.28445 0.75243 0.16981 -1.675 0.0939 . herd3 0.03676 1.03744 0.17426 0.211 0.8329 tx 0.18359 1.20152 0.12543 1.464 0.1433 lact -0.04283 0.95807 0.04109 -1.042 0.2972 thinthin -0.14557 0.86453 0.13794 -1.055 0.2913 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 herd2 0.7524 1.3290 0.5394 1.050 herd3 1.0374 0.9639 0.7373 1.460 tx 1.2015 0.8323 0.9396 1.536 lact 0.9581 1.0438 0.8839 1.038 thinthin 0.8645 1.1567 0.6597 1.133 Concordance= 0.564 (se = 0.021 ) Rsquare= 0.029 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 9.5 on 5 df, p=0.09084 Wald test = 9.32 on 5 df, p=0.09685 Score (logrank) test = 9.34 on 5 df, p=0.09611
R gives several options to control ties in case several events occurred at the same time: the Efron method (default in R), Breslow method (default in software like SAS or Stata), and the exact method. Breslow is the simplest and adequate if not too many ties in the dataset. Efron is closer to the exact approximation.
Stratified Cox Propotional Hazards Model
In a stratified Cox model, different baseline hazards are assumed across groups of subjects. The Cox model is modified to allow the control of a predictor which do not satisfy the proportional hazards (PH) assumption. We refit the above model by stratifying by herd and including a treatment by herd interaction:
scoxph.mod <- coxph(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ tx + tx*herd + lact + thin + strata(herd), data = pgtrial, method = 'breslow') summary(scoxph.mod) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(dar, preg == "pregnant") ~ tx + tx * herd + lact + thin + strata(herd), data = pgtrial, method = "breslow") n= 319, number of events= 264 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) tx -0.02160 0.97863 0.25528 -0.085 0.9326 herd2 NA NA 0.00000 NA NA herd3 NA NA 0.00000 NA NA lact -0.04600 0.95504 0.04065 -1.132 0.2578 thinthin -0.13593 0.87291 0.13833 -0.983 0.3258 tx:herd2 -0.05659 0.94498 0.33570 -0.169 0.8661 tx:herd3 0.54494 1.72451 0.31823 1.712 0.0868 . --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 tx 0.9786 1.0218 0.5934 1.614 herd2 NA NA NA NA herd3 NA NA NA NA lact 0.9550 1.0471 0.8819 1.034 thinthin 0.8729 1.1456 0.6656 1.145 tx:herd2 0.9450 1.0582 0.4894 1.825 tx:herd3 1.7245 0.5799 0.9242 3.218 Concordance= 0.56 (se = 0.035 ) Rsquare= 0.032 (max possible= 0.998 ) Likelihood ratio test= 10.32 on 5 df, p=0.06658 Wald test = 10.5 on 5 df, p=0.0623 Score (logrank) test = 10.66 on 5 df, p=0.05851
Evaluating the Assumption of Proportional Hazards
We can evaluate it graphically, by examining the log-cumulative hazard plot vs. ln(time) and check if the curves are parallel:
coxph.mod2 <- coxph(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ tx, data = pgtrial, ties = 'breslow') pgtrial2 <- with(pgtrial, data.frame(tx = c(0, 1))) tfit.add <- survfit(coxph.mod2, newdata = pgtrial2) df1 <- data.frame( time = tfit.add[1, ]$time, n.risk = tfit.add[1, ]$n.risk, n.event = tfit.add[1, ]$n.event, surv = tfit.add[1, ]$surv, strata = "0", upper = tfit.add[1, ]$upper, lower = tfit.add[1, ]$lower, log.surv = log(-log(tfit.add[1, ]$surv)) ) df2 <- data.frame( time = tfit.add[2, ]$time, n.risk = tfit.add[2, ]$n.risk, n.event = tfit.add[2, ]$n.event, surv = tfit.add[2, ]$surv, strata = "1", upper = tfit.add[2, ]$upper, lower = tfit.add[2, ]$lower, log.surv = log(-log(tfit.add[2, ]$surv)) ) dfpar.add <- rbind(df1, df2) zeros <- data.frame(time = 0, surv = 1, strata = c(1, 2), upper = 1, lower = 1) dfpar.add <- rbind.fill(zeros, dfpar.add) dfpar.add$strata <- factor(dfpar.add$strata, labels = c("No tx", "Tx")) ggplot(dfpar.add, aes(log(time), log.surv, colour = strata)) + geom_step(size = 0.6) + scale_color_manual("Tx", values = c('blue4', 'darkorange')) + xlab("ln(time)") + ylab("Log-log survival")
Another graphical approach is to compare plots of predicted survival times from a Cox model (assuming PH) to Kaplan-Meier survivor function (which do not assume PH): <- survfit(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ tx, data = pgtrial) <- data.frame( time =$time, n.risk =$n.risk, n.event =$n.event, surv =$surv, strata = gsub("tx=", "", summary(, censored = T)$strata), upper =$upper, lower =$lower ) zeros <- data.frame(time = 0, surv = 1, strata = gsub("tx=", "", levels(summary($strata)), upper = 1, lower = 1) <- rbind.fill(, zeros)$cat <- with(, ifelse(strata == "0", "No tx, observed", "Tx, observed")) dfpar.add$cat <- with(dfpar.add, ifelse(strata == "No tx", "No tx, expected", "Tx, expected")) dfpar.obs <- rbind.fill(dfpar.add, ggplot(dfpar.obs, aes(time, surv, colour = cat)) + geom_step(size = 0.6) + scale_color_manual("", values = c('blue1', 'blue4', 'darkorange1', 'darkorange4')) + xlab("time") + ylab("survival probability")
You can also assess PH statistically with the Schoenfeld residuals using cox.zph function:
(schoen <- cox.zph(coxph.mod)) rho chisq p herd2 -0.0630 1.100 0.2942 herd3 -0.0443 0.569 0.4506 tx -0.1078 3.141 0.0763 lact 0.0377 0.447 0.5035 thinthin -0.0844 2.012 0.1560 GLOBAL NA 7.631 0.1778 plot(schoen, var = 4)
Evaluating the Overall Fit of the Model
First we can look at the Cox-Snell residuals, which are the estimated cumulative hazards for individuals at their failure (or censoring) times. The default residuals of coxph in R are the martingale residuals, not the Cox-Snell. But it can be computed:
cox.snell <- (as.numeric(pgtrial$preg) - 1) - resid(coxph.mod, type = "martingale") coxph.res <- survfit(coxph(Surv(cox.snell, pgtrial$preg == 'pregnant') ~ 1, method = 'breslow'), type = 'aalen') plot(coxph.res$time, -log(coxph.res$surv), type = 's', xlab = 'Modified Cox-Snell residuals', ylab = 'Cumulative hazard') abline(0, 1, col = 'red', lty = 2) ## Alternatively: coxph.res2 <- survfit(Surv(cox.snell, pgtrial$preg == 'pregnant') ~ 1) Htilde <- cumsum(coxph.res2$n.event / coxph.res$n.risk) plot(coxph.res2$time, Htilde, type = 's', col = 'blue') abline(0, 1, col = 'red', lty = 2)
We can also use a goodness-of-fit test:
## GOF (Gronnesby and Borgan omnibus gof) library(gof) cumres(coxph.mod) Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test: p-value=0.35 Cramer von Mises-test: p-value=0.506 Based on 1000 realizations. Cumulated residuals ordered by herd2-variable. --- Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test: p-value=0.041 Cramer von Mises-test: p-value=0.589 Based on 1000 realizations. Cumulated residuals ordered by herd3-variable. --- Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test: p-value=0 Cramer von Mises-test: p-value=0.071 Based on 1000 realizations. Cumulated residuals ordered by tx-variable. --- Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test: p-value=0.728 Cramer von Mises-test: p-value=0.733 Based on 1000 realizations. Cumulated residuals ordered by lact-variable. --- Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test: p-value=0.106 Cramer von Mises-test: p-value=0.091 Based on 1000 realizations. Cumulated residuals ordered by thinthin-variable.
We can evaluate the concordance between the predicted and observed sequence of pairs of events. Harrell’s c index computes the proportion of all pairs of subjects in which the model correctly predicts the sequence of events. It ranges from 0 to 1 with 0.5 for random predictions and 1 for a perfectly discriminating model. It is obtained from the Somer’s Dxy rank correlation:
library(rms) fit.cph <- cph(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ herd + tx + lact + thin, data = pgtrial, x = TRUE, y = TRUE, surv = TRUE) v <- validate(fit.cph, dxy = TRUE, B = 100) Dxy <- v[rownames(v) == "Dxy", colnames(v) == "index.corrected"] (Dxy / 2) + 0.5 # c index [1] 0.4538712
Evaluating the Functional Form of Predictors
We can use martingale residuals to evaluate the functional form of the relationship between a continuous predictor and the survival expectation for individuals:
lact.mod <- coxph(Surv(dar, preg == 'pregnant') ~ lact, data = pgtrial, ties = 'breslow') lact.res <- resid(lact.mod, type = "martingale") plot(pgtrial$lact, lact.res, xlab = 'lactation', ylab = 'Martingale residuals') lines(lowess(pgtrial$lact, lact.res, iter = 0)) # adding quadratic term lact.mod <- update(lact.mod, . ~ . + I(lact^2)) lact.res <- resid(lact.mod, type = "martingale") plot(pgtrial$lact, lact.res, xlab = 'lactation', ylab = 'Martingale residuals') lines(lowess(pgtrial$lact, lact.res, iter = 0))
Checking for Outliers
Deviance residuals can be used to identify outliers:
## deviance residuals dev.res <- resid(coxph.mod, type = "deviance") plot(pgtrial$dar, dev.res, xlab = 'time (days)', ylab = 'deviance residuals') cbind(dev.res, pgtrial)[abs(dev.res) > 2, ] dev.res herd cow tx lact thin dar preg 1 2.557832 1 1 0 1 normal 1 pregnant 2 2.592492 1 2 1 4 thin 1 pregnant 3 2.319351 1 3 1 1 normal 2 pregnant 73 -2.693731 1 76 1 1 normal 277 censored 74 2.734508 2 78 0 2 thin 1 pregnant 75 2.644885 2 79 1 4 normal 1 pregnant 76 2.436308 2 80 1 1 normal 2 pregnant 176 -2.015925 2 180 1 2 normal 201 censored 180 -2.196008 2 184 1 2 normal 250 censored 183 -2.081493 2 187 1 3 thin 288 censored 185 -2.238729 2 189 0 1 normal 346 censored 314 -2.274912 3 318 0 1 thin 262 censored 315 -2.226711 3 319 0 2 thin 262 censored 316 -2.182517 3 320 0 4 thin 287 censored 317 -2.278029 3 321 0 2 thin 288 censored 318 -2.341736 3 322 0 3 thin 308 censored 319 -2.392427 3 323 0 2 thin 320 censored
Score residuals and scaled score residuals can be used to identify influential observations:
### Detecting influential points # score residuals score.res <- resid(coxph.mod, type = "score") # score residuals for tx plot(pgtrial$dar, score.res[ , 3], xlab = 'time (days)', ylab = 'score residuals') text(pgtrial$dar, score.res[ , 3], rownames(pgtrial), cex = 0.6, pos = 4) cbind(score.res[ , 3], pgtrial)[abs(score.res[ , 3]) > 2, ] score.res[, 3] herd cow tx lact thin dar preg 73 -2.025537 1 76 1 1 normal 277 censored ## influential observations dfbeta <- resid(coxph.mod, type = "dfbeta") # dfbeta residuals for tx plot(pgtrial$dar, dfbeta[ , 3], xlab = 'time (days)', ylab = 'scaled score residual') text(pgtrial$dar, dfbeta[ , 3], rownames(pgtrial), cex = 0.6, pos = 4) # with standardized dfbeta dfbetas <- resid(coxph.mod, type = "dfbetas") plot(pgtrial$dar, dfbetas[ , 3], xlab = 'time (days)', ylab = 'standardized score residuals') text(pgtrial$dar, dfbetas[ , 3], rownames(pgtrial), cex = 0.6, pos = 4)
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