Academicons: my first quarto extension
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This post was semi automatically converted from blogdown to Quarto and may contain errors. The original can be found in the archive.
I have been following the development of quarto for a while now and I am pretty excited about it. Not only its features but also its rich and detailed documentation will make me transition from Rmarkdown to Quarto in the long run. While moving my personal webpage, I realized though that I am still missing some features. Quarto is still in its early stages so it is no surprise that some features from Rmarkdown do not yet exist in quarto.
A few days ago, however, I noticed that a very exciting feature was added. Custom extensions.
Quarto Extensions are a powerful way to modify or extend the behavior of Quarto, and can be created and distributed by anyone
Extensions can be shortcodes, filters and, formats. All for different purposes and all very well explained in the docs. Note that extensions are, at the time of writing, a new feature of Quarto. Make sure to install at least v1.0.15 if you want to use them.
The academicons extension
Quarto extensions are a great way to easily add shortcodes to your quarto projects without the need of adding lua scripts to the yaml header. To add fontawesome icon support you install the extension in your project
quarto install extension quarto-ext/fontawesome
and then you can use any kind of free icon via the shortcode .
A similar library to fontawesome (but much smaller) are academicons, which provide support for, well, academic icons. Since the library is very similar to fontawesome, it was quite straightforward to build a quarto extension that gives a shortcode to use the icons. To install it in your project just do
quarto install extension schochastics/academicons
and to embed an icon, you can use the {{< ai >}}
shortcode. All available icons can be found here:
Here is the source code for a minimal example: example.qmd
This is the output of example.qmd for HTML.
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