Software Review, Perspectives from an Academic
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There’s an R package for this… right?
How it started
My journey in creating my first R package all started when I received an email from a colleague who was working with archived soil samples that were collected prior to the advent of GPS technology.
These samples were georeferenced using the Manitoba Original Survey Legal Descriptions, which originate from the Dominion Land Survey system, introduced in the late 19th century to organize the European settlement and colonization of Western Canada.
I was asked by my colleague if there was an R package that could locate these samples so they could be plotted on a map.
There wasn’t.
The data was publicly available so I wrote a short script that searched the data set for the legal land description and returned the coordinates.
This morphed into a series of functions, which eventually turned into a package!
And thanks to the encouragement of the rOpenSci community assistant, Steffi LaZerte, I submitted my package for peer review.
That is how mbquartR
was born.
A little about me
I have always thought of myself as more of a soil/environmental scientist than an R programmer so I was a bit apprehensive to even create an R package let alone have it peer reviewed. This is was my first R package, and developing it not only tested my R skills, but meant I had to learn so much along the way. I also felt the functionality of my package was pretty minimal given all the excellent and extensive R packages already available. I definitely had a case of the impostR syndrome!
I have also had lots of experiences with peer review, all of it through academic journals. I have had my work reviewed by others, I have reviewed others’ work, and as a subject/submission editor for an international journal I have solicited and read many reviews. All of this has been single-blind review, where the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers, but the reviewers know the identity of the authors. The review process is also done in a closed manner, where only the authors, reviewers, and journal staff ever see the process. This is relatively commonplace in my academic world. Overall, I would say that in my experience this type of review process has been fairly respectful and functional (YMMV). However, I have definitely seen both reviewer’s comments and author’s responses be somewhat rude, abrupt, and often lacking any pleasantries. Further, both as an author and a reviewer I have often wished there was an opportunity and a space to have a discussion, ask for clarification and advice, and to say thank you to authors and reviewers for their work. Finally, there is also the dreaded “desk rejection”, where the manuscript never makes it out for peer review because the journal deems the work to be out of scope, lacking scientific rigor, poor fit, and/or lacking novelty. Never mind the hours spent formatting to meet author guidelines only to get rejected immediately.
My rOpenSci software peer review experience
Right from the start, I really appreciated the ability to do a Pre-Submission Enquiry.
No more hours of formatting only to get the dreaded desk rejection! or, in this case, meeting the submission requirements for package functionality and documentation.
This process was very straightforward, create a new issue and fill out the pre-submission template.
I got an enthusiastic response within less than 2 weeks letting me know that mbquartR
was a good fit.
Time to get to work!
Once I felt that I had met all the guidelines as outlined in the rOpenSci Dev Guide I was ready to submit.
The straightforward instructions made the submission process a breeze.
I opened a new issue and filled in the template.
The assigned editor and the two volunteer reviewers were fantastic! Despite the package returning errors at multiple steps along the review process I was never made to feel bad for submitting something that wasn’t perfect. At every step and interaction I felt like the reviewers were trying to help me make the package better, not simply telling me to do better. The reviewers had great suggestions on how to improve the package user experience. The package now has more informative warnings and errors, and additional functionality was added to the mapping function. I also really appreciated the reviewers attention to package as a whole, not only did they review the functionality of the package, they also paid attention to all the documentation. From the README, to articles, to functions, it all got reviewed.
The openness and discussion thread nature of the review process made it possible for me to ask questions and get clarification on revision requests, suggestions, and the review process itself. This was a pretty big departure from my past experiences with the review process and one I would love to see more in the academic journal review process that I often find myself in. Scientific writing, like all forms of communication, will be interpreted differently by different people and this is where having the ability to have a discussion between the authors and the reviewers can be so beneficial. I can still see a benefit even if the process remained blind (anonymous). I suspect this approach would promote a collaborative environment which would result in more robust and reliable science. I also really appreciate that the work and contributions of the reviewers are clearly visible to everyone and they get the credit they deserve. I was also able to thank them both as part of review process and within the package DESCRIPTION. I have written journal articles that have been substantially improved based on reviewer suggestions and ideas and in many cases there is not a great way to acknowledge this contribution or for the reviewer to get credit. I feel the “Authors would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for their help in improving this paper” statement doesn’t give them proper recognition or show my gratitude.
Submitting my R package for peer review with rOpenSci was a completely different experience from the traditional academic reviews I am used to. The process was open, collaborative, and constructive. Instead of the closed, single-blind system I was used to, where reviewers are often anonymous and interactions limited, the rOpenSci review felt more like a conversation. I could ask questions and get thoughtful and respectful feedback aimed at making the package better. The reviewers focused on everything from package functionality to documentation and overall user experience. The reviewers helped me improve the package and, importantly, they received clear recognition and my thanks for their contributions. It made me realize how valuable open dialogue and credit-sharing can be in peer review, something I would love to see more of in academic publishing.
A huge thank you to editor Jeff Hollister, as well as to Sheila Saia and Emily (Em) Markowitz for their thoughtful reviews and support in making my package shine! They not only helped improve the package but also made the entire review experience an enjoyable one. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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