A Bayesian proportional hazards model for a cluster randomized trial
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In recent posts, I introduced a Bayesian approach to proportional hazards modeling and then extended it to incorporate a penalized spline. (There was also a third post on handling ties when multiple individuals share the same event time.) This post describes another extension: a random effect to account for clustering in a cluster randomized trial. With this in place, I’ll be ready to tackle the final step—building a model for analyzing a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial that incorporates both splines and site-specific random effects.
Simulating data with a cluster-specific random effect
Here are the R
packages used in the post:
library(simstudy) library(ggplot2) library(data.table) library(survival) library(survminer) library(cmdstanr)
The dataset simulates a cluster randomized trial where sites are randomized in a \(1:1\) ratio to either the treatment group (\(A=1\)) or control group (\(A=0\)). Patients are affiliated with sites and receive the intervention based on site-level randomization. The time-to-event outcome, \(Y\), is measured at the patient level and depends on both the site’s treatment assignment and unmeasured site effects:
defC <- defData(varname = "b", formula = 0, variance = "..s2_b", dist = "normal") |> defData(varname = "A", formula = "1;1", dist = "trtAssign") defS <- defSurv( varname = "timeEvent", formula = "-11.6 + ..delta_f * A + b", shape = 0.30 ) |> defSurv(varname = "censorTime", formula = -11.3, shape = .40) delta_f <- 0.7 s2_b <- 0.4^2
I’ve generated a single data set of 50 sites, with 25 in each arm. Each site includes 100 patients. The plot below shows the site-specific Kaplan-Meier curves for each intervention arm.
set.seed(1821) dc <- genData(50, defC, id = "site") dd <- genCluster(dc, "site", numIndsVar = 100, level1ID = "id") dd <- genSurv(dd, defS, timeName = "Y", censorName = "censorTime", eventName = "event", typeName = "eventType", keepEvents = TRUE)
Bayesian model
Since this is the fourth iteration of the Bayesian proportional hazards model I’ve been working on, it naturally builds directly on the approach from my previous three posts (here. here, and here). Now, the partial log likelihood is a function of the treatment effect and cluster-specific random effects, given by:
\[ \log L(\beta) = \sum_{j=1}^{J} \left[ \sum_{i \in D_j} \left(\beta A_i + b_{s[i]} \right) - \sum_{r=0}^{d_j-1} \log \left( \sum_{k \in R_j} \left(\beta A_k + b_{s[k]} \right) - r \cdot \bar{w}_j \right) \right] \\ \]
- \(D_j\) is the set of individuals who experience an event at time \(t_j\).
- \(R_j\) is the risk set at time \(t_j\), including all individuals who are still at risk at that time.
- \(d_j\) is the number of events occurring at time \(t_j\).
- \(r\) ranges from 0 to \(d_j - 1\), iterating over the tied events.
- \(\bar{w}_j\) represents the average risk weight of individuals experiencing an event at \(t_j\):
\[\bar{w}_j = \frac{1}{d_j} \sum_{i \in D_j} \left(\beta A_i + b_{s[i]} \right)\]
- \(N\): number of observations (censored or not)
- \(A_i\): binary indicator for treatment
- \(\delta_i\): event indicator (\(\delta_i = 1\) if the event occurred, \(\delta_i = 0\) if censored)
- \(\beta\): treatment coefficient
- \(b_{s[i]}\): cluster-specific random effect, where \(s[i]\) is the cluster of patient \(i\)
- \(R(t_i)\): risk set at time \(t_i\) (including only individuals censored after \(t_i\))
The assumed prior distributions for \(\beta\) and the random effects are:
\[ \begin{aligned} \beta &\sim N(0,4) \\ b_i &\sim N(0,\sigma_b) \\ \sigma_b &\sim t_{\text{student}}(df = 3, \mu=0, \sigma = 2) \end{aligned} \]
stan_code <- " data { int<lower=0> S; // Number of clusters int<lower=0> K; // Number of covariates int<lower=0> N_o; // Number of uncensored observations array[N_o] int i_o; // Index in data set int<lower=0> N; // Number of total observations matrix[N, K] x; // Covariates for all observations array[N] int<lower=1,upper=S> s; // Cluster for each observation array[N] int index; int<lower=0> T; // Number of records as ties int<lower=1> G; // Number of groups of ties array[T] int t_grp; // Indicating tie group array[T] int t_index; // Index in data set vector[T] t_adj; // Adjustment for ties (efron) } parameters { vector[K] beta; // Fixed effects for covariates vector[S] b; // Random effects real<lower=0> sigma_b; // Variance of random effect } model { // Prior beta ~ normal(0, 4); b ~ normal(0, sigma_b); sigma_b ~ student_t(3, 0, 2); // Calculate theta for each observation to be used in likelihood vector[N] theta; vector[N] log_sum_exp_theta; vector[G] exp_theta_grp = rep_vector(0, G); int first_in_grp; for (i in 1:N) { theta[i] = dot_product(x[i], beta) + b[s[i]]; } // Computing cumulative sum of log(exp(theta)) from last to first observation log_sum_exp_theta[N] = theta[N]; for (i in tail(sort_indices_desc(index), N-1)) { log_sum_exp_theta[i] = log_sum_exp(theta[i], log_sum_exp_theta[i + 1]); } // Efron algorithm - adjusting cumulative sum for ties for (i in 1:T) { exp_theta_grp[t_grp[i]] += exp(theta[t_index[i]]); } for (i in 1:T) { if (t_adj[i] == 0) { first_in_grp = t_index[i]; } log_sum_exp_theta[t_index[i]] = log( exp(log_sum_exp_theta[first_in_grp]) - t_adj[i] * exp_theta_grp[t_grp[i]]); } // Likelihood for uncensored observations for (n_o in 1:N_o) { target += theta[i_o[n_o]] - log_sum_exp_theta[i_o[n_o]]; } } "
Getting the data ready to pass to Stan
, compiling the Stan
code, and sampling from the model using cmdstanr
dx <- copy(dd) setorder(dx, Y) dx[, index := .I] dx.obs <- dx[event == 1] N_obs <- dx.obs[, .N] i_obs <- dx.obs[, index] N_all <- dx[, .N] x_all <- data.frame(dx[, .(A)]) s_all <- dx[, site] K <- ncol(x_all) # num covariates - in this case just A S <- dx[, length(unique(site))] ties <- dx[, .N, keyby = Y][N>1, .(grp = .I, Y)] ties <- merge(ties, dx, by = "Y") ties <- ties[, order := 1:.N, keyby = grp][, .(grp, index)] ties[, adj := 0:(.N-1)/.N, keyby = grp] stan_data <- list( S = S, K = K, N_o = N_obs, i_o = i_obs, N = N_all, x = x_all, s = s_all, index = dx$index, T = nrow(ties), G = max(ties$grp), t_grp = ties$grp, t_index = ties$index, t_adj = ties$adj ) # compiling code stan_model <- cmdstan_model(write_stan_file(stan_code)) # sampling from model fit <- stan_model$sample( data = stan_data, seed = 1234, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 4000, chains = 4, parallel_chains = 4, refresh = 0 ) ## Running MCMC with 4 parallel chains... ## Chain 2 finished in 40.0 seconds. ## Chain 3 finished in 40.0 seconds. ## Chain 1 finished in 40.3 seconds. ## Chain 4 finished in 40.5 seconds. ## ## All 4 chains finished successfully. ## Mean chain execution time: 40.2 seconds. ## Total execution time: 40.6 seconds.
The posterior mean for \(\beta\), the treatment effect, is quite close to the “true” value of 0.70, as is the estimate of the standard deviation of the random effect (we used \(sd = 0.4\) in the data generating process):
fit$summary(variables = c("beta", "sigma_b")) ## # A tibble: 2 × 10 ## variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 beta[1] 0.659 0.660 0.124 0.124 0.455 0.863 1.00 1529. 3265. ## 2 sigma_b 0.417 0.413 0.0472 0.0458 0.347 0.501 1.00 15493. 11171.
The final post in this series will include code to simulate data from a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial with a time-to-event outcome. This model will integrate both the spline and random effect components. I’m curious to see how well it performs, as the required computational resources could be substantial.
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