Creating a Finder Smart Folder of your RStudio Project files to enable super fast project launching
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When I’m switching projects I naturally start with Finder. I’m sure if I became a Terminal warrior there are faster ways of searching for files (e.g. the Television fuzzy finder TUI). And I know there are other ways to avoid using Finder, e.g., using Spotlight, Alfred, or Raycast; and indeed I do have this fantastic tip that allows Alfred to find RStudio project files setup. But something to do with how I learnt to use a computer just naturally means I’m wedded to Finder, but navigating through my mess of nested directories wastes time and energy.
I realised that Finder on macOS has a helpful feature called Smart Folders. We can use this to setup a saved search of RStudio Project .Rproj files (and/or VSCode/Positron .code-workspace files) to allow us to see all the .Rproj files on our computer. This makes finding and opening projects from within Finder fast and convenient.
Setting up a Smart Folder of your RStudio project files
In Finder;
- navigate to the folder you want your search to start in, either your home folder or your Documents folder are obvious candidates
- click File | New Smart Folder

- near the top right corner click the plus button next to the Save button.

- we need to add the File extension attribute to the choices, click Name near the top left, then Other…

- Then search for File extension and check the box on the right handside

- enter Rproj in the box (it doesn’t seem to matter if you include the . first)

- click Save (near top right corner) and give it a sensible name, e.g., Rproj.savedSearch

And you’ll see the new virtual folder appear on the left Finder sidebar – see the screenshot at the top of this post.
You can create additional Smart Folders for other useful file extensions, for example, VSCode/Positron project files (.code-workspace files).
On Windows, I don’t believe that there is an exact equivalent of a Smart Folder. I think that the closest you can get is to save a search in File Explorer. However, I find that in recent years File Explorer on Windows 11 has become incredibly slow and regularly crashes. Searching in Files or File Pilot is now much faster and more reliable.
I have shown how to create a Smart Folder of your RStudio Project files for fast and convenient project launching on macOS. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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