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{admiral} 1.2 is here!

[This article was first published on pharmaverse blog, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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< !--------------- typical setup -----------------> < !--------------- post begins here -----------------> < section id="introduction" class="level1">


As crazy as it may sound, the < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} package is nearing its third CRAN birthday: our first release dates all the way back to 17th February 2022! Time really does fly when you’re programming ADaMs in R. The codebase has grown quite a lot! For some context, if you’d only allowed yourself to write twenty lines of code a day, starting from the 17th February 2022, by now you would have compiled the whole of the < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} codebase (excluding documentation and unit tests). And so, what better early birthday present for < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} than the new and exciting 1.2 release!

Read through this blog post to find out more about the exciting contents of the 1.2 release, as well some of our plans for 2025.

< section id="new-features-for-1.2" class="level1">

New Features for 1.2

As always, we have listed the full set of 1.2 updates in our changelog, and have picked out only a select few updates to discuss.

To commence, for the first time since < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} 1.0 we have added new functions! The three new functions available in this release are:

< section id="new-function" class="level2">

New function: < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()">

< template>Derive Categorization Variables Like AVALCATy and AVALCAyN — derive_vars_cat • admiral derive_vars_cat()

We wanted a function that could take in user-defined inputs for category-like variables, e.g. AVALCATy and AVALCAyN. While this is typically defined in the metadata for an ADaM, we thought having a dedicated function in < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} could help either with double programming or smaller projects that don’t have metadata fully developed. Let us know what you think!

Below you can expand to get a few simple examples of this new function with dummy data in action. Be sure to check out the function’s documentation on the admiral website for full understanding of < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>Derive Categorization Variables Like AVALCATy and AVALCAyN — derive_vars_cat • admiral derive_vars_cat() .

Expand for Full Code Walkthrough

# Example 1
advs <- tibble::tribble(
  ~USUBJID,       ~VSTEST,  ~AVAL,
  "01-701-1015", "Height", 147.32,
  "01-701-1015", "Weight",  53.98,
  "01-701-1023", "Height", 162.56,
  "01-701-1023", "Weight",     NA,
  "01-701-1028", "Height",     NA,
  "01-701-1028", "Weight",     NA,
  "01-701-1033", "Height", 175.26,
  "01-701-1033", "Weight",  88.45

# Example 1
# A simple defintion with multiple conditions
definition2 <- exprs(
  ~VSTEST,   ~condition,  ~AVALCAT1, ~AVALCA1N,
  "Height",  AVAL > 160,  ">160 cm",         1,
  "Height", AVAL <= 160, "<=160 cm",         2,
  "Weight",   AVAL > 70,   ">70 kg",         1,
  "Weight",  AVAL <= 70,  "<=70 kg",         2

  dataset = advs,
  definition = definition2,
  by_vars = exprs(VSTEST)

# Example 2
# A simple defintion with slightly more complex conditions
definition3 <- exprs(
  ~VSTEST,                ~condition,  ~AVALCAT1, ~AVALCA1N,
  "Height",               AVAL > 170,  ">170 cm",         1,
  "Height", AVAL <= 170 & AVAL > 160, "<=170 cm",         2,
  "Height",              AVAL <= 160, "<=160 cm",         3

  dataset = advs,
  definition = definition3,
  by_vars = exprs(VSTEST)

# Example 3
# Now using for MCRITyML and the MCRITyMN variables
adlb <- tibble::tribble(
  "01-701-1015", "ALT",   150,  "U/L",      40,
  "01-701-1023", "ALT",    70,  "U/L",      40,
  "01-701-1036", "ALT",   130,  "U/L",      40,
  "01-701-1048", "ALT",    30,  "U/L",      40,
  "01-701-1015", "AST",    50,  "U/L",      35

definition_mcrit <- exprs(
  ~PARAM,                      ~condition,    ~MCRIT1ML, ~MCRIT1MN,
  "ALT",                    AVAL <= ANRHI,    "<=ANRHI",         1,
  "ALT", ANRHI < AVAL & AVAL <= 3 * ANRHI, ">1-3*ANRHI",         2,
  "ALT",                 3 * ANRHI < AVAL,   ">3*ANRHI",         3

adlb %>%
    definition = definition_mcrit,
    by_vars = exprs(PARAM)
< section id="new-function-1" class="level2">

New function: < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()">

< template>Derive Criterion Flag Variables CRITy, CRITyFL, and CRITyFN — derive_vars_crit_flag • admiral derive_vars_crit_flag()

The function derives ADaM-compliant criterion flags, e.g. CRIT1FL, to facilitate subgroup analyses.

If a criterion flag can’t be derived with this function, the derivation is not ADaM-compliant. It helps to ensure that:

Below you can expand to get a few simple examples of this new function with dummy data in action. Be sure to check out the function’s documentation on the < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} website for a full understanding of < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>Derive Criterion Flag Variables CRITy, CRITyFL, and CRITyFN — derive_vars_crit_flag • admiral derive_vars_crit_flag() .

Expand for Full Code Walkthrough
adbds <- tribble(
  "AST",    42,
  "AST",    52,
  "AST",    NA_real_,
  "ALT",    33,
  "ALT",    51

# Create a criterion flag with values "Y" and NA
  condition = AVAL > 50,
  description = "Absolute value > 50"

# Create criterion flag with values "Y", "N", and NA and parameter dependent
# criterion description
  crit_nr = 2,
  condition = AVAL > 50,
  description = paste(PARAMCD, "> 50"),
  values_yn = TRUE,
  create_numeric_flag = TRUE
< section id="new-function-transform_scale" class="level2">

New function: transform_scale()

The final new function we are adding is transform_scale(). Coming directly from a user request, with this function we now have functionality to linearly transform a vector of values with a certain associated range into values from another range.


  source = c(1, 4, 3, 6, 5),
  source_range = c(1, 5),
  target_range = c(0, 100)

Within ADaM programming, this is a common task, arising for instance when transforming questionnaire values into a standardized scale (e.g. 1-100). As such, we see this function being employed principally within calls to < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>Adds a Parameter Computed from the Analysis Value of Other Parameters — derive_param_computed • admiral derive_param_computed() during the creation of datasets such as ADQS. You can read more about this topic within our Questionnaire ADaMs vignette.

< section id="deprecation-strategy" class="level1">

Deprecation Strategy


We would like all users to be aware that a new deprecation strategy is being adopted by the < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} team. You can find the details linked here in our Programming Strategy Guide

Previously, the team were going to keep “superseded” functions around indefinitely, i.e., a function that was replaced with a better function would be kept in < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} and maintained until universe-death. Unfortunately, that places an enormous tech-debt on future maintainers. It was decided that these “superseded” functions should in fact be deprecated and slowly removed from the code base. Please check out our Programming Strategy Guide if you would like to better understand this process of removing functions from < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} .

< section id="resources-for-admiral-admiraldiscovery-cheatsheet-find-my-function-working-groups" class="level1">

Resources for admiral: admiraldiscovery, cheatsheet, Find My Function, Working Groups

Work on < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} releases isn’t just limited to new functions and deprecation. The < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} team seeks to provide a wealth of resources and ways to get involved to keep < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} current and up to date.

For this release we have updated the cheatsheet so that it is in line with the additions and changes for the new release.


admiraldiscovery is a standalone website and has a nice interactive table to help identify common ADaM variables and the < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} functions that derive them.


Additionally, we have made the admiraldiscovery (aka “Find my function”) link more prominent on the < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} package website’s navigation bar to increase the user traffic to the admiraldiscovery site.


Also, from June up until now, we’ve had two working groups operating:

If you have any ideas for new working groups of which you’d like to be a part, reach out to us – let’s co-create < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} together!

< section id="admiral-at-recent-conferences" class="level2">

admiral at Recent Conferences

This post is also a great opportunity to showcase and publicize some of the fantastic outreach that members of the < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} community have done since our 1.1 release back in June. A couple of highlights include:

As you can see, < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} is spreading like wildfire in the pharma industry, and we encourage anyone within our community to spread the word and continue making these super presentations. Please let us know if you present on < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} we would love to give you a shout out.

For the full archive of < bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} -related presentations, please visit our Presentation Archive.

< section id="plans-for-2025" class="level1">

Plans for 2025

< bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} plans for two releases in 2025 with an early summer release and an end of year release. We plan on continuing to update admiral based on user feedback. Please do not hesitate to create an issue to make documentation clearer, or if you found a pesky bug, or you have an idea for a function or something else! We love feedback and you can even implement your idea if the core team gives their approval.

< bslib-tooltip placement="auto" bsoptions="[]" data-require-bs-version="5" data-require-bs-caller="tooltip()"> < template>ADaM in R Asset Library • admiral {admiral} has a Discussion thread on potential ideas for our 1.3 release. You can contribute or follow along in the discussion here

A few choice items from the discussion:

Thanks for reading and happy programming in 2025!!

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Last updated

2025-01-21 14:39:57.582231

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Source, Session info

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CC BY 4.0
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BibTeX citation:
  author = {Straub, Ben and Mancini, Edoardo},
  title = {\{Admiral\} 1.2 Is Here!},
  date = {2025-01-17},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Straub, Ben, and Edoardo Mancini. 2025. “{Admiral} 1.2 Is Here!” January 17, 2025.…/1.2_admiral_release.html.
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