RObservations #50: a journey across the United States with {mapBliss}
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{mapBliss} is a package initially developed in my attempt to copy the offerings made available by a site (since defunct) called Recently I was talking about the package in a group chat and someone reached out to me sharing that he traveled to 43 states in the United States and shared with me a list of his journey.
These are the visuals that were made:

In this blog, I share a new dataset available in {mapBliss} – us_travels
. This dataset provides an interesting example for plotting more lengthy and complex adventures with {mapBliss}.
Loading the us_travels
To load and preview the us_travels
dataset, run the following code:
# Install the mapBliss package from GitHub if you haven't already # devtools::install_packages("benyamindsmith/mapBliss") # load the mapBliss library library(mapBliss) # load the us_travels dataset data("us_travels") # Preview the data us_travels # A tibble: 85 × 2 location how <chr> <chr> 1 Mobile, Alabama, USA car 2 Montgomery, Alabama, USA car 3 Phoenix, Arizona, USA car 4 Little Rock, Arkansas, USA car 5 Los Angeles, California, USA car 6 San Francisco, California, USA car 7 Oakland, California, USA car 8 Half Moon Bay, California, USA car 9 San Diego, California, USA car 10 Stamford, Connecticut, USA car # ℹ 75 more rows # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
Plotting the us_travels
For plotting the us_travels
dataset use the following snippet can be used:
library(mapBliss) data("us_travels") locations <- us_travels$location # The how argument needs to be one # less than the number of the locations how <- us_travels$how[-1] plot_hybrid_route_flex( addresses = locations, how = how, radius = 1, label_text = "" )
This yields the following leaflet map:

The map themes be visually altered by changing the mapBoxTemplate
The us_travels
dataset provides a nice example for how the {mapBliss} package can be used to make beautiful maps of your travels around the world from the R console with minimal effort.
For framing these maps, I presently recommend using a platform like Canva. I additionally recommend checking out the {starBliss} package for making custom star maps of the night sky.
Here is a visual I made for a print of a trip this past summer with {mapBliss}, {starBliss} and Canva:

There are some GitHub issues open related to making ready to use frames (which have had some success) but there’s still some considerable effort required to accomplish the desired goal. If you think you can do it, feel free to open a pull request!

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