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Linux Environment Variables: A Beginner’s Guide to printenv, set, export, and alias

[This article was first published on Steve's Data Tips and Tricks, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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< section id="table-of-contents" class="level2">

Table of Contents

< section id="introduction" class="level2">


Understanding environment variables in Linux is like learning the secret language of your operating system. These variables shape how your system behaves, stores important configuration information, and helps programs communicate effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the essential commands – printenv, set, export, and alias – that will give you mastery over your Linux environment.

< section id="understanding-environment-variables" class="level2">

Understanding Environment Variables

< section id="what-are-environment-variables" class="level3">

What are Environment Variables?

Environment variables are dynamic values that affect the behavior of processes and programs running on your Linux system. Think of them as system-wide settings that programs can read to adjust their behavior.

< section id="why-are-they-important" class="level3">

Why are they Important?

Environment variables serve several crucial purposes:

< section id="types-of-variables-in-linux" class="level3">

Types of Variables in Linux

Linux uses two main types of variables:

< section id="the-printenv-command" class="level2">

The printenv Command

< section id="basic-usage" class="level3">

Basic Usage

The printenv command displays all or specified environment variables in your system.

# Display all environment variables

# Display specific variable
printenv HOME
< section id="common-options" class="level3">

Common Options

< section id="practical-examples" class="level3">

Practical Examples

# Display your home directory
printenv HOME

# Show current path
printenv PATH

# View your username
printenv USER
< section id="working-with-set-command" class="level2">

Working with set Command

< section id="purpose-and-functionality" class="level3">

Purpose and Functionality

The set command is more comprehensive than printenv, showing both shell and environment variables.

# Display all variables and functions

# Set a shell variable
set MYVAR="Hello World"
< section id="key-differences-from-printenv" class="level3">

Key Differences from printenv

< section id="common-use-cases" class="level3">

Common Use Cases

# Enable bash strict mode
set -euo pipefail

# Create a shell variable
set name="John Doe"

# Display specific variable
echo $name
< section id="the-export-command" class="level2">

The export Command

< section id="making-variables-persistent" class="level3">

Making Variables Persistent

The export command converts shell variables into environment variables, making them available to child processes.

< section id="syntax-and-usage" class="level3">

Syntax and Usage

# Basic syntax
export VARIABLE_NAME=value

# Export existing variable
export MYVAR
< section id="best-practices" class="level3">

Best Practices

  1. Use UPPERCASE for environment variables
  2. Avoid spaces around the ‘=’ sign
  3. Quote values containing spaces
  4. Export variables when needed by other processes
< section id="using-alias-command" class="level2">

Using alias Command

< section id="creating-custom-shortcuts" class="level3">

Creating Custom Shortcuts

Aliases are custom shortcuts for longer commands, making your workflow more efficient.

# Basic alias syntax
alias name='command'

# Practical example
alias ll='ls -la'
< section id="permanent-vs-temporary-aliases" class="level3">

Permanent vs Temporary Aliases

Temporary aliases last only for the current session. For permanent aliases, add them to: – ~/.bashrc~/.bash_aliases~/.zshrc (for Zsh users)

< section id="popular-alias-examples" class="level3">

Popular alias Examples

# Common aliases
alias update='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'
alias c='clear'
alias ..='cd ..'
< section id="practical-applications" class="level2">

Practical Applications

< section id="system-configuration" class="level3">

System Configuration

< section id="development-environment-setup" class="level3">

Development Environment Setup

# Java environment setup
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

# Python virtual environment
export VIRTUALENV_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
< section id="troubleshooting" class="level3">


< section id="your-turn-interactive-section" class="level2">

Your Turn! (Interactive Section)

Let’s practice what you’ve learned with some hands-on exercises.

< section id="exercise-1-creating-and-exporting-variables" class="level3">

Exercise 1: Creating and Exporting Variables

Try creating a variable and making it available to child processes.

Problem: Create a variable called MY_APP_DIR that points to “/opt/myapp” and make it available to all child processes.

< details> < summary> Click to see solution
# Create the variable

# Export it
export MY_APP_DIR

# Verify it exists
printenv MY_APP_DIR

# Test in a child process
bash -c 'echo $MY_APP_DIR'
< section id="exercise-2-creating-useful-aliases" class="level3">

Exercise 2: Creating Useful Aliases

Problem: Create three aliases that will:

  1. Show hidden files
  2. Create a backup of a file
  3. Clear the terminal and show current directory contents
< details> < summary> Click to see solution
# Create aliases
alias show='ls -la'
alias backup='cp $1 $1.bak'
alias cls='clear; ls'

# Test them
backup important.txt
< section id="best-practices-and-common-pitfalls" class="level2">

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

< section id="best-practices-1" class="level3">

Best Practices

< section id="common-pitfalls-to-avoid" class="level3">

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  1. Forgetting to export variables
  2. Not quoting variable values
  3. Incorrect PATH manipulation
  4. Creating too many aliases
  5. Hardcoding sensitive information
< section id="quick-takeaways" class="level2">

Quick Takeaways

< section id="faqs" class="level2">


Q: What’s the difference between shell and environment variables?

Shell variables are local to the current shell, while environment variables are available to all processes.

Q: How do I make environment variables permanent?

Add them to ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, or /etc/environment files.

Q: Can I use spaces in variable names?

No, variable names should not contain spaces. Use underscores instead.

Q: How do I remove an environment variable?

Use the unset command: unset VARIABLE_NAME

Q: Are aliases permanent?

Aliases are temporary unless added to shell configuration files like ~/.bashrc

< section id="conclusion" class="level2">


Understanding and effectively using environment variables, along with commands like printenv, set, export, and alias, is crucial for any Linux user. These tools not only help in customizing your environment but also in improving your productivity and system management capabilities.

< section id="call-to-action" class="level3">

Call to Action

Try creating your own set of useful aliases and environment variables. Share your configurations with the community and keep exploring Linux’s powerful environment management features.

< section id="references" class="level2">


  1. GNU Bash Manual
  2. Linux Documentation Project
  3. Ubuntu Documentation – Environment Variables
  4. Red Hat – Understanding Shell Environment Variables

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Happy Coding! 🚀

Set command in Linux

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