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Redirection in Linux: A Beginner’s Guide

[This article was first published on Steve's Data Tips and Tricks, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Linux is a powerful operating system that offers a wide range of tools for managing files and processes. One of the most essential concepts in Linux is I/O redirection, which allows users to control the flow of data between commands and files. This guide will introduce you to the basics of redirection in Linux, focusing on how to use commands like cat, sort, uniq, grep, wc, head, tail, and tee to manipulate data efficiently.

< section id="introduction-to-redirection" class="level1">

Introduction to Redirection

Redirection in Linux allows you to change the standard input/output devices when executing commands. This means you can take input from a file instead of the keyboard and send output to a file instead of the screen. Redirection is a fundamental concept that enhances the flexibility and power of the command line.

< section id="understanding-standard-input-output-and-error" class="level1">

Understanding Standard Input, Output, and Error

In Linux, there are three standard data streams:

Redirection allows you to reroute these streams to files or other commands.

< section id="using-the-cat-command" class="level1">

Using the cat Command

The cat command is used to concatenate and display file contents. It can also be used to redirect output to a file. For example:

cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt

This command concatenates file1.txt and file2.txt and redirects the output to combined.txt.

< section id="sorting-data-with-sort" class="level1">

Sorting Data with sort

The sort command arranges lines of text files in a specified order. It is often used in conjunction with other commands to organize data. For example:

sort unsorted.txt > sorted.txt

This command sorts the contents of unsorted.txt and saves the result in sorted.txt.

< section id="removing-duplicates-with-uniq" class="level1">

Removing Duplicates with uniq

The uniq command filters out repeated lines in a file. It is typically used after sort because it only removes adjacent duplicates:

sort data.txt | uniq > unique.txt

This command sorts data.txt and removes duplicate lines, saving the result in unique.txt.

< section id="searching-with-grep" class="level1">

Searching with grep

The grep command searches for patterns within files. It is a powerful tool for finding specific text:

grep "pattern" file.txt

This command searches for “pattern” in file.txt and displays matching lines.

< section id="counting-with-wc" class="level1">

Counting with wc

The wc (word count) command counts lines, words, and characters in files:

wc -l file.txt

This command counts the number of lines in file.txt.

< section id="viewing-file-contents-with-head-and-tail" class="level1">

Viewing File Contents with head and tail

The head and tail commands display the beginning and end of files, respectively:

head -n 10 file.txt
tail -n 10 file.txt

These commands show the first and last 10 lines of file.txt.

< section id="using-tee-for-output-duplication" class="level1">

Using tee for Output Duplication

The tee command reads from standard input and writes to standard output and files simultaneously:

command | tee output.txt

This command allows you to view the output on the screen and save it to output.txt at the same time.

< section id="combining-commands-with-pipes" class="level1">

Combining Commands with Pipes

Pipes (|) allow you to pass the output of one command as input to another, creating powerful command chains:

cat file.txt | grep "pattern" | sort | uniq

This command searches for “pattern” in file.txt, sorts the results, and removes duplicates.

< section id="understanding-the-difference-between-pipe-and-redirection" class="level1">

Understanding the Difference Between Pipe (|) and Redirection (>)

While both the pipe (|) and redirection (>) operators are used to control data flow in Linux, they serve different purposes and work in distinct ways. Understanding these differences is crucial for effective command-line usage.

< section id="the-pipe-operator" class="level2">

The Pipe Operator (|)

The pipe operator (|) is used to send the output of one command as input to another command. It allows you to create a “pipeline” of commands, where data flows from left to right through each command in the sequence.

Key characteristics of the pipe operator:


cat file.txt | grep "error" | wc -l

This command chain reads file.txt, searches for lines containing “error”, and then counts the number of matching lines.

< section id="the-redirection-operator" class="level2">

The Redirection Operator (>)

The redirection operator (>) is used to redirect the output of a command to a file instead of the terminal. It allows you to save command output directly to a file.

Key characteristics of the redirection operator:


ls -l > file_list.txt

This command saves the output of ls -l to file_list.txt instead of displaying it on the screen.

< section id="key-differences" class="level2">

Key Differences

  1. Data Flow:
    • Pipe (|): Passes data between commands
    • Redirection (>): Sends data to a file
  2. Command Interaction:
    • Pipe (|): Connects multiple commands
    • Redirection (>): Typically used with a single command
  3. File Creation:
    • Pipe (|): Does not create intermediate files
    • Redirection (>): Creates or modifies a file
  4. Use Case:
    • Pipe (|): Complex data processing and filtering
    • Redirection (>): Saving command output for later use
  5. Syntax:
    • Pipe (|): command1 | command2 | command3
    • Redirection (>): command > output_file
< section id="combining-pipes-and-redirection" class="level2">

Combining Pipes and Redirection

You can use both pipes and redirection in the same command line, allowing for powerful data manipulation and storage:

cat file.txt | grep "error" | sort | uniq > unique_errors.txt

This command reads file.txt, filters lines containing “error”, sorts the results, removes duplicates, and finally saves the output to unique_errors.txt.

Understanding the distinctions between pipes and redirection enables you to construct more efficient and effective command-line operations, enhancing your ability to process and manage data in Linux.

< section id="practical-examples" class="level1">

Practical Examples

Let’s explore some practical examples of using these commands together:

  1. Find and Count Unique Words:

    cat file.txt | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr

    This command breaks text into words, sorts them, counts unique occurrences, and sorts by frequency.

  2. Extract and Save Log Errors:

    grep "ERROR" logfile.log | tee errors.txt

    This command extracts lines containing “ERROR” from logfile.log and saves them to errors.txt.

< section id="your-turn" class="level1">

Your Turn!

Now it’s your turn to practice these commands. Try creating a text file with some sample data and use the commands discussed to manipulate the data. Experiment with combining commands using pipes and redirection to see how they can work together to achieve complex tasks.

Here’s a simple exercise to get you started:

  1. Create a file named sample.txt with the following content:

  2. Use the commands you’ve learned to:

    • Sort the file
    • Remove duplicates
    • Count the number of unique fruits
    • Display only the first 3 fruits

Try to come up with the command chain that accomplishes all these tasks in one go!

< section id="quick-takeaways" class="level1">

Quick Takeaways

< section id="conclusion" class="level1">


Understanding redirection and mastering these basic Linux commands will significantly enhance your ability to work efficiently on the command line. By practicing and experimenting with these tools, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of Linux’s capabilities and improve your productivity. Remember, the key to becoming proficient with these commands is regular practice and exploration.

< section id="faqs" class="level1">


  1. What is the purpose of redirection in Linux? Redirection allows you to change the standard input/output sources and destinations, enabling more flexible command execution.

  2. How does the uniq command work? uniq removes adjacent duplicate lines from a sorted file. It is often used after sort.

  3. Can I use grep to search multiple files? Yes, grep can search multiple files by specifying them as arguments or using wildcards.

  4. What is the difference between head and tail? head displays the beginning of a file, while tail shows the end.

  5. How can I save command output to a file and display it on the screen simultaneously? Use the tee command to duplicate output to both a file and the screen.

< section id="references" class="level1">


  1. Linux I/O Redirection – javatpoint
  2. An Introduction to Linux I/O Redirection | DigitalOcean
  3. How to use the uniq command to process lists in Linux | Enable Sysadmin

By following this guide, beginner Linux users can gain a solid foundation in using redirection and essential commands to manage and manipulate data effectively. Don’t hesitate to explore further and deepen your understanding of Linux’s powerful command-line tools. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep experimenting with these commands to become more comfortable and proficient in using them.

Happy Piping and Redirecting! 🚀

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Some Linux Penguins
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