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Polyglot Maxxie and Minnie

[This article was first published on rstats on Irregularly Scheduled Programming, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Continuing my theme of learning all the languages, I took the opportunity of a programming puzzle to try out the same approach in a handful of different languages to compare how they work.

For an upcoming APL’ers meetup the challenge was set as posed at the end of in this post, namely

Maxxie and Minnie

The maxxie of a number n is the largest number you can achieve by swapping two of its digits (in decimal) (or choosing not to swap if it is already the largest possible). The minnie is the smallest with one swap (though you can’t swap a zero digit into the most significant position).

Your task is to write a function that takes an integer and returns a tuple of the maxxie and minnie.


  • Swap any two decimal digits
  • No leading zeroes
  • Don’t swap if you can’t make it bigger/smaller

with the example solutions given in Clojure

(swapmaxmin 213) ;=> [312, 123]
(swapmaxmin 12345) ;=> [52341, 12345] ;; the number was already the smallest
(swapmaxmin 100) ;=> [100, 100] ;; no swap possible because of zeroes

This seems like fun – and I wanted to see how solutions might look across some of the different languages I know (including an APL, for the sake of the upcoming meetup).

I ended up using R, (Dyalog) APL, Julia, Haskell, Python, and Rust; someone provided a J solution; and I’ll add in any others shared with me. The site linked above collected Clojure solutions in this gist.

The common approach I used in all of these cases was:

Here are my solutions in each language; it’s not so much for side-by-side comparison, but you can switch between the different ones. The full set of files is here if you’re interested.


I was most pleased with the APL solution; it does what it says on the box without ambiguity because it’s constructed entirely from primitives (or utility functions defined in terms of those). The Julia solution also feels very clean, while the Haskell solution, defined entirely from functions, nicely demonstrates the functional principle.

I found it to be an interesting example of where pass-by-reference is not so helpful. For packaged Julia functions that distinction is made clear with the ! suffix to denote mutating functions, and it’s common to write both a mutating and non-mutating version wherever possible.

Writing these taught me more and more about using each of these languages, and I’m of the opinion that just reading solutions is no substitute for getting your hands dirty in some actual code.

Comments, improvements, or your own solutions are most welcome. I can be found on Mastodon or use the comments below.

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##  [1] /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/library
## ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

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