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How to Combine Two Data Frames in R with Different Columns Using Base R, dplyr, and data.table

[This article was first published on Steve's Data Tips and Tricks, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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< section id="introduction" class="level1">


Combining data frames is a fundamental task in data analysis, especially when dealing with datasets that have different structures. In R, there are several ways to achieve this, using base R functions, the dplyr package, and the data.table package. This guide will walk you through each method, providing examples and explanations suitable for beginner R programmers. This article will explore three primary methods in R: base R functions, dplyr, and data.table. Each method has its advantages, and understanding them will enhance your data manipulation skills.

< section id="understanding-data-frames-in-r" class="level1">

Understanding Data Frames in R

Data frames are two-dimensional, table-like structures in R, where each column can contain different types of data. They are similar to tables in a database or Excel spreadsheets.

< section id="combining-data-frames-with-base-r" class="level1">

Combining Data Frames with Base R

< section id="using-merge" class="level2">

Using merge()

The merge() function is a versatile tool in base R for combining data frames. It allows you to specify columns to merge on and handles different column names gracefully.

# Example data frames
df1 <- data.frame(ID = 1:3, Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"))
df2 <- data.frame(ID = 2:4, Age = c(25, 30, 35))

# Merging data frames
merged_df <- merge(df1, df2, by = "ID", all = TRUE)
  ID    Name Age
1  1   Alice  NA
2  2     Bob  25
3  3 Charlie  30
4  4    <NA>  35
< section id="using-cbind-and-rbind" class="level2">

Using cbind() and rbind()

These functions are used to combine data frames by columns or rows, respectively. However, they require the data frames to have the same number of rows or columns. Note: The column names must match when using rbind().

# Column binding
cbind_df <- cbind(df1, df2)
  ID    Name ID Age
1  1   Alice  2  25
2  2     Bob  3  30
3  3 Charlie  4  35
# Row binding; this will fail because the names of the columns are not the same
# So to ensure the below words we must fix the names, this though, makes no
# sense as we see below
df3 <- df2
colnames(df3) <- names(df1)
rbind(df1, df3)
  ID    Name
1  1   Alice
2  2     Bob
3  3 Charlie
4  2      25
5  3      30
6  4      35
< section id="combining-data-frames-with-dplyr" class="level1">

Combining Data Frames with dplyr

The dplyr package provides a more intuitive syntax for data manipulation.

< section id="using-bind_rows" class="level2">

Using bind_rows()

bind_rows() is used to combine data frames by rows, filling in missing columns with NA.


# Using bind_rows
combined_df <- bind_rows(df1, df2)
  ID    Name Age
1  1   Alice  NA
2  2     Bob  NA
3  3 Charlie  NA
4  2    <NA>  25
5  3    <NA>  30
6  4    <NA>  35
< section id="using-full_join" class="level2">

Using full_join()

full_join() combines data frames by columns, similar to SQL full outer join.

# Using full_join
full_joined_df <- full_join(df1, df2, by = "ID")
  ID    Name Age
1  1   Alice  NA
2  2     Bob  25
3  3 Charlie  30
4  4    <NA>  35
< section id="combining-data-frames-with-data.table" class="level1">

Combining Data Frames with data.table

The data.table package is known for its speed and efficiency with large datasets.

< section id="using-rbindlist" class="level2">

Using rbindlist()

rbindlist() is a fast way to combine lists of data frames by rows.


# Using rbindlist
dt1 <- data.table(ID = 1:3, Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"))
dt2 <- data.table(ID = 2:4, Age = c(25, 30, 35))

combined_dt <- rbindlist(list(dt1, dt2), fill = TRUE)
      ID    Name   Age
   <int>  <char> <num>
1:     1   Alice    NA
2:     2     Bob    NA
3:     3 Charlie    NA
4:     2    <NA>    25
5:     3    <NA>    30
6:     4    <NA>    35
< section id="using-merge-1" class="level1">

Using merge()

The merge() function in data.table is similar to base R but optimized for performance.

# Using data.table merge
merged_dt <- merge(dt1, dt2, by = "ID", all = TRUE)
Key: <ID>
      ID    Name   Age
   <int>  <char> <num>
1:     1   Alice    NA
2:     2     Bob    25
3:     3 Charlie    30
4:     4    <NA>    35
< section id="handling-missing-values" class="level1">

Handling Missing Values

When combining data frames with different columns, missing values (NA) are inevitable. It’s crucial to handle them appropriately, depending on your analysis needs.

< section id="practical-examples" class="level1">

Practical Examples

Let’s explore a practical example where we combine sales and customer data.

# Sales data
sales <- data.frame(CustomerID = c(1, 2, 3), SalesAmount = c(100, 150, 200))

# Customer data
customers <- data.frame(CustomerID = c(2, 3, 4), CustomerName = c("John", "Doe", "Smith"))

# Full join using dplyr
full_data <- full_join(sales, customers, by = "CustomerID")
  CustomerID SalesAmount CustomerName
1          1         100         <NA>
2          2         150         John
3          3         200          Doe
4          4          NA        Smith
< section id="common-pitfalls-and-how-to-avoid-them" class="level1">

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

< section id="conclusion" class="level1">


Combining data frames with different columns in R can be efficiently done using base R, dplyr, or data.table. Each method has its strengths, and choosing the right one depends on your specific needs and dataset size.

< section id="faqs" class="level1">


Q1: Can I combine data frames with different row numbers? Yes, functions like bind_rows() and rbindlist() handle different row numbers by filling missing values with NA.

Q2: What is the best method for large datasets? The data.table package is recommended for large datasets due to its speed and efficiency.

Q3: How do I handle duplicate rows after merging? Use the distinct() function from dplyr to remove duplicates.

Q4: Can I merge on multiple columns? Yes, specify multiple columns in the by argument of merge() or full_join().

Q5: What if my data frames have no common columns? Use cbind() or bind_cols() to combine them side by side, but ensure they have the same number of rows.

< section id="your-turn" class="level1">

Your Turn!

Now that you’ve learned about different methods to combine data frames in R, it’s time to put your knowledge into practice. Here are some exercises to help reinforce your understanding:

  1. Create Your Own Data Frames

Start by creating two data frames with different columns. For example:

# Create your own data frames
df_employees <- data.frame(
  EmployeeID = 1:5,
  Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eva"),
  Department = c("Sales", "IT", "HR", "Marketing", "Finance")

df_salaries <- data.frame(
  EmployeeID = c(2, 4, 5, 6, 7),
  Salary = c(50000, 60000, 55000, 65000, 70000)
  1. Try Different Combination Methods

Use each of the methods we’ve discussed to combine these data frames: – Use base R’s merge() – Use dplyr’s full_join() – Use data.table’s merge()

Compare the results and note any differences.

  1. Handle Missing Values

After combining the data frames, some employees might be missing salary information, and some salary records might not have corresponding employee details. Try to: – Identify which employees are missing salary information – Find out if there are any salary records without employee details

  1. Create a Summary

Using the combined data frame: – Calculate the average salary per department – Find the highest paid employee in each department

  1. Challenge: Multiple Data Sources

Create a third data frame with performance ratings:

df_performance <- data.frame(
  EmployeeID = c(1, 3, 5, 7),
  Rating = c("Excellent", "Good", "Very Good", "Outstanding")

Now, combine all three data frames into a single comprehensive employee dataset.

  1. Visualization

Using the combined dataset from the challenge: – Create a scatter plot of salary vs. performance rating – Make a bar plot showing the average salary by department

Remember, practice is key to mastering these concepts. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different functions and parameters. If you encounter any errors, try to understand why they occurred and how to resolve them.

< section id="references" class="level1">


  1. R Documentation
  2. dplyr Package
  3. data.table Package

Share your results or any interesting insights you discover in the comments section below.

Happy coding! 🚀

< section id="connect-with-me" class="level1">

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Combinging Data
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