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Navigating Linux with ‘pwd’, ‘cd’, and ‘ls’: A Beginner’s Guide

[This article was first published on Steve's Data Tips and Tricks, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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I have mentioned in my previous linux post that I am on my own personal journey to learn it. I have been using it for sometime but not really understanding the commands. So I have started this blog post series on Linux for Friday’s. This is the second post in the series. So thanks for joining!

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Navigating the Linux filesystem is a fundamental skill for anyone working with Linux systems. The commands pwd, cd, and ls are essential tools for this task. This guide will provide an overview of these commands and how to use them effectively.

Linux systems use a hierarchical directory structure, similar to a tree, where the root directory is the base, and all other directories branch out from it. Navigating this structure efficiently is crucial for managing files and directories. Below are the key components of the Linux file system:

Understanding how to move through this file system is crucial for efficiently working in Linux. One important concept is the difference between absolute and relative paths:

< section id="understanding-the-pwd-command" class="level1">

Understanding the pwd Command

The pwd (print working directory) command is used to display the full path of the current directory you are in. This is particularly useful when you are navigating deep into the directory structure and need to confirm your location.

$ pwd
< section id="using-the-cd-command" class="level1">

Using the cd Command

The cd (change directory) command allows you to move between directories. By default, using cd without any arguments will return you to your home directory. You can navigate to a specific directory by providing its path:

You can also use shortcuts like ~ to quickly navigate to your home directory or .. to move up one directory level.

< section id="shortcuts" class="level2">


Here are some helpful shortcuts courtesy of “The Linux Command Line” page 11 by William Shotts:

cd Shortcuts
Shortcut Result
cd Changes the working directory to your home directory
cd – Changes the working directory to the previous working directory
cd ~user_name Changes the working directory to the home directory of user_name.
< section id="exploring-with-the-ls-command" class="level1">

Exploring with the ls Command

The ls (list) command is used to display the contents of a directory. By default, it lists the files and directories in the current directory.

$ ls
Documents  Downloads  Music  Pictures

Now with a little more information:

terminal@terminal-temple ~ $ ls -lh
total 5
drwxr-xr-x  5 terminal  staff  160 Mar 19 01:54 PM Documents
drwxr-xr-x  3 terminal  staff   96 Mar 19 01:54 PM Downloads
drwxr-xr-x  2 terminal  staff   64 Mar 19 01:54 PM Music
drwxr-xr-x  3 terminal  staff   96 Aug 23 07:16 AM my_new_directory
drwxr-xr-x  2 terminal  staff   64 Mar 19 01:54 PM Pictures

You can use various options with ls to modify its output, such as -a to include hidden files or -l for a detailed list.

< section id="practical-examples" class="level1">

Practical Examples

Here are some practical examples to illustrate the use of these commands:

< section id="important-facts-on-filenames" class="level1">

Important Facts on Filenames

< section id="conclusion" class="level1">


Mastering the pwd, cd, and ls commands is essential for efficient navigation and management of the Linux filesystem. These commands provide the foundation for more advanced file system operations.

Happy Navigating!

pwd cd and ls
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