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How to Use grep() and Return Only Substring in R: A Comprehensive Guide

[This article was first published on Steve's Data Tips and Tricks, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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< section id="introduction" class="level1">


When working with text data in R, you often need to search for specific patterns or extract substrings from larger strings. The grep() function is a powerful tool for pattern matching, but it doesn’t directly return only the matched substring. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use grep() effectively and combine it with other functions to return only the desired substrings.

< section id="understanding-grep-in-r" class="level1">

Understanding grep() in R

< section id="basic-syntax-and-functionality" class="level2">

Basic syntax and functionality

The grep() function in R is used for pattern matching within character vectors. Its basic syntax is:

grep(pattern, x, = FALSE, perl = FALSE, value = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)

By default, grep() returns the indices of the elements in the input vector that match the specified pattern.

< section id="differences-between-grep-and-grepl" class="level2">

Differences between grep() and grepl()

While grep() and grepl() are related functions, they serve different purposes:

For example:

x <- c("apple", "banana", "cherry")
grep("an", x)  # Returns: 2
[1] 2
grepl("an", x) # Returns: FALSE TRUE FALSE
< section id="returning-substrings-with-grep" class="level1">

Returning Substrings with grep()

< section id="using-regexpr-and-substr" class="level2">

Using regexpr() and substr()

To return only the matched substring, you can combine grep() with regexpr() and substr(). Here’s an example:

text <- c("file1.txt", "file2.csv", "file3.doc")
pattern <- "\\.[^.]+$"

matches <- regexpr(pattern, text)
result <- substr(text, matches, matches + attr(matches, "match.length") - 1)
[1] ".txt" ".csv" ".doc"

This approach uses regexpr() to find the position of the match, and then substr() to extract the matched portion.

< section id="combining-grep-with-other-functions" class="level2">

Combining grep() with other functions

Another method to return only substrings is to use grep() in combination with regmatches():

text <- c("abc123", "def456", "ghi789")
pattern <- "\\d+"

matches <- gregexpr(pattern, text)
result <- regmatches(text, matches)
[1] "123"

[1] "456"

[1] "789"

This method uses gregexpr() to find all matches and regmatches() to extract them.

< section id="practical-examples" class="level1">

Practical Examples

< section id="extracting-specific-patterns" class="level2">

Extracting specific patterns

Let’s say you want to extract all email addresses ending with “.edu” from a vector:

emails <- c("", "", "")
edu_emails <- emails[grepl("\\.edu$", emails)]
[1] "" ""    

This example uses grepl() to create a logical vector for filtering.

< section id="working-with-data-frames" class="level2">

Working with data frames

grep() and grepl() are particularly useful when working with data frames. Here’s an example of filtering rows based on a pattern:


df <- data.frame(
  player = c('P Guard', 'S Guard', 'S Forward', 'P Forward', 'Center'),
  points = c(12, 15, 19, 22, 32),
  rebounds = c(5, 7, 7, 12, 11)

guards <- df %>% filter(grepl('Guard', player))
   player points rebounds
1 P Guard     12        5
2 S Guard     15        7

This example filters the data frame to include only rows where the ‘player’ column contains “Guard”.

< section id="advanced-techniques" class="level1">

Advanced Techniques

< section id="using-grep-with-multiple-patterns" class="level2">

Using grep() with multiple patterns

To search for multiple patterns simultaneously, you can use the paste() function with collapse='|':

df <- data.frame(
  team = c("Hawks", "Bulls", "Nets", "Heat", "Lakers"),
  points = c(115, 105, 124, 120, 118),
  status = c("Good", "Average", "Excellent", "Great", "Good")

patterns <- c('Good', 'Gre', 'Ex')
result <- df %>% filter(grepl(paste(patterns, collapse='|'), status))
    team points    status
1  Hawks    115      Good
2   Nets    124 Excellent
3   Heat    120     Great
4 Lakers    118      Good

This technique allows you to filter rows based on multiple patterns in a single column.

< section id="performance-considerations" class="level2">

Performance considerations

When working with large datasets, consider using fixed = TRUE in grep() or grepl() for exact substring matching, which can be faster than regular expression matching:

large_vector <- rep(c("apple", "banana", "cherry"), 1000000)
system.time(grep("ana", large_vector, fixed = TRUE))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.10    0.00    0.09 
system.time(grep("ana", large_vector))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.53    0.00    0.53 

The fixed = TRUE option can significantly improve performance for simple substring searches.

< section id="conclusion" class="level1">


Mastering the use of grep() and related functions in R allows you to efficiently search for patterns and extract substrings from your data. By combining grep() with other string manipulation functions, you can create powerful and flexible text processing workflows. Remember to consider performance implications when working with large datasets, and choose the most appropriate function (grep(), grepl(), or others) based on your specific needs.

grep() substring return
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