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Writing Excel Spreadsheets to Disk with R and Python

[This article was first published on Steve's Data Tips and Tricks, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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When working with data, exporting your results to an Excel file can be very handy. Today, I’ll show you how to write the iris dataset to an Excel file using R and Python. We will explore three R packages: writexl, openxlsx, and xlsx, and the openpyxl library in Python. Let’s dive in!

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Writing Excel Files in R

First, let’s start with R. We’ll use the well-known iris dataset and write it to a temporary file using three different packages.

< section id="using-writexl" class="level3">

Using writexl

The writexl package is straightforward and easy to use for writing data frames to Excel files.

# Install and load the writexl package

# Write iris dataset to a temporary file
writexl::write_xlsx(iris, tempfile())

The write_xlsx function does exactly what it says: it writes your data frame to an Excel file. The tempfile() function creates a temporary file, which is useful for quick testing without cluttering your directory.

< section id="using-openxlsx" class="level3">

Using openxlsx

The openxlsx package provides more flexibility and additional features compared to writexl.

# Install and load the openxlsx package

# Write the iris dataset to a temporary file
openxlsx::write.xlsx(iris, tempfile())

With openxlsx, you can directly write the data frame to an Excel file using the write.xlsx function, making the process simple and efficient.

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Using xlsx

The xlsx package is another option that can be useful, though it requires Java.

# Install and load the xlsx package

# Write the iris dataset to a temporary file
xlsx::write.xlsx(iris, paste0(tempfile(), ".xlsx"))

write.xlsx from the xlsx package works similarly to the previous functions but requires the .xlsx extension to be explicitly added to the temporary file name.

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Writing Excel Files in Python

Now, let’s see how to achieve the same with Python using the openpyxl library.

# Install openpyxl if you haven't already
!pip install openpyxl

import openpyxl

# Load an existing workbook
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook("example.xlsx")

# Add a new seet
workbook.create_sheet(title = "Sheet1")

sheet_name = "Sheet1"

sheet = workbook[sheet_name]

sheet["A1"] = "Hello, World!""example.xlsx")

Here is a concise breakdown of what this script does:

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Try It Yourself!

Feel free to try these code snippets on your own. Exporting data to Excel is a common task, and knowing different ways to do it can be very useful in your data analysis toolkit. If you want to learn more about integrating Excel with R and Python, consider purchasing the book “Extending Excel with Python and R” for in-depth tutorials and advanced techniques.

Happy coding!

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