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R vs Power BI

[This article was first published on coding-the-past, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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1. What is R?

R is a programming language and an environment for statistical computing and visualization. R is not a general-purpose programming language, like Python or Java, because its focus is on statistical computing. The language is very popular in the academic environment and allows for complex calculations and algorithms.

2. What is Power BI?

Power BI is a set of softwares and applications focused on data analysis and visualization for Business Intelligence. For this article, when we talk about Power BI, we refer to Power BI Desktop, a drag and drop application used to transform, analyse and visualize data.

3. R vs Power BI

Below, a list of the main differences and similarities of R and Power BI is presented for several aspects:

4. R vs Power BI for digital humanities

R as well as Power BI might be used for digital humanities. R is perfect for analyses and visualizations for a scientific article. It is also the right option if you would like to implement complex algorithms. Power BI is a great fit if you would like to easily produce beautiful plots and enable user interactivity for a broader audience.

In education, for example, Power BI could be used to produce an interactive dashboard exploring the casualties of World War II. This could be used to teach history or bring insights to researchers on possible research questions.

Regarding R, this blog has plenty of examples of how to apply it to the humanities. I recommend this article where you learn about the use of synthetic control to investigate hypothesis in History: ‘When Numbers Meet Stories – an introduction to the synthetic control method in R’

5. R vs Power BI – Examples

To exemplify the differences and similarities of R and Power BI, we will replicate in Power BI the treemap plotted in R in the lesson Treemaps in R.

The data used in R is also available in a CSV file at this link. It is part of a great initiative by Professor Vincent Arel-Bundock to gather many interesting R datasets and make them available in CSV format on this page: R Datasets.

Power BI Desktop is free and you can download it from the Power BI Microsoft official page. To learn more about it and how to get started, please consult this resource.

In the lesson Treemaps in R we learnt how to plot a treemap in R. In this lesson we will plot the same treemap in Power BI. To do that, download the data above and save it in the desired folder.

When you open Power BI, you will see the option to load data from an Excel File. You can choose this option and a window will open to select the file with your data. You can then select all files to see also csv files. Select the cholera.csv file and confirm. You will be offered the option to transform your data in Power Query, a tool aimed at preparing your data before visualization. For this lesson, you can skip this step and load the data without transforming its structure.

On the bar to the right, you will see the variables of your dataset. We would like to create a treemap in which we have bigger rectangles representing the regions of London and smaller rectangles representing the districts within their respective region. The size of the rectangles will inform us about the mortality caused by cholera in a given region and district. These are the relevant variables for us:

The first step is to select the cholera_drate field, as shown in the image below. You will realise that Power BI automatically creates a bar chart with the sum of all death rates.

Now, click on the bar plot and select the option Treemap in the Visualization tab, as shown in the image below.

The next step is to define which variable will determine the branches of our treemap, that is, the more general category. In our case, it is region. Finally, we define the field determining the leaves of our treemap. In this example, the leaves are the districts inside each region of London. Drag these two fields to category and details as shown below.

That’s it! Without any line of code, you created a treemap that offers a great visual of London cholera death rates by region and district. You have even automatically generated tooltips that provide additional information about each leaf in your tree. You can further format your plot to have your desired colors, s and sizes. Read more about how to format a visualization on this page. Below you see the formatted version of the treemap.

As you have seen, compared to R, it is easier to plot a treemap in Power BI. On the other hand, Power BI customization options are limited compared to R. Please, if you have any question or comments, feel free to write below and I wish you a great learning journey!

4. Conclusions

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