How to Check if a Character is in a String in R

[This article was first published on Steve's Data Tips and Tricks, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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When working with text data in R, one common task is to check if a character or substring is present within a larger string. R offers multiple ways to accomplish this, ranging from base R functions to packages like stringr and stringi. In this post, we’ll explore how to use grepl() from base R, str_detect() from stringr, and stri_detect_fixed() from stringi to achieve this.


Using grepl() in Base R

The grepl() function in base R is a handy tool for detecting patterns within strings. It returns TRUE if the pattern is found and FALSE otherwise.


grepl(pattern, x, = FALSE, fixed = FALSE)
  • pattern: The character string to search for.
  • x: The character vector where the search is performed.
  • Logical value indicating whether the search should be case-insensitive.
  • fixed: Logical value indicating whether to treat the pattern as a fixed string.


text <- "Hello, World!"
# Check if 'World' is in the text
result <- grepl("World", text)
[1] TRUE
# Check if 'world' is in the text, ignoring case
result <- grepl("world", text, = TRUE)
[1] TRUE

Using str_detect() from stringr

The stringr package simplifies string operations with a consistent and user-friendly interface. The str_detect() function checks for the presence of a pattern in a string.


str_detect(string, pattern)
  • string: The character vector to search in.
  • pattern: The pattern to search for.



text <- "Hello, World!"
# Check if 'World' is in the text
result <- str_detect(text, "World")
[1] TRUE
# Check if 'world' is in the text, ignoring case
result <- str_detect(text, regex("world", ignore_case = TRUE))
[1] TRUE

Using stri_detect_fixed() from stringi

The stringi package is a comprehensive suite for string manipulation. The stri_detect_fixed() function is used for detecting fixed patterns within strings.


stri_detect_fixed(str, pattern, case_insensitive = FALSE)
  • str: The character vector to search in.
  • pattern: The pattern to search for.
  • case_insensitive: Logical value indicating whether the search should be case-insensitive.



text <- "Hello, World!"
# Check if 'World' is in the text
result <- stri_detect_fixed(text, "World")
[1] TRUE
# Check if 'world' is in the text, ignoring case
result <- stri_detect_fixed(text, "world", case_insensitive = TRUE)
[1] TRUE


Detecting characters or substrings within a string is a common task in data analysis and manipulation. R provides powerful tools for this, whether you use base R’s grepl(), stringr’s str_detect(), or stringi’s stri_detect_fixed(). Each method has its strengths, and you can choose the one that best fits your workflow.

Try these examples on your own data and see how they can help in your text processing tasks. Happy coding!


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