AIC in the well-specified linear model: theory and simulation

[This article was first published on vgherard, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Consider the AIC for the usual linear model Y=Xβ+ε:


where p is the dimension of the covariate vector X and ˆσ2 is the ML estimate of the Y|X conditional variance. The expectation of @ref(eq:AIC) under model assumptions can be found by using the fact that, for a χ2 random variable with ν degrees of freedom1:


where: ψ(x)ddxlnΓ(x)lnx12x(#eq:PsiFun)
and the second equality results from the Stirling approximation Γ(x)=2πxx12ex. We obtain:


where, according to standard assumptions, V(Y|X) is assumed to be constant in X.

Now consider two such models, with different covariate vectors X1 and X2, of dimension p1 and p2 respectively, both assumed to be well specified. Denote, as before:


for i=1,2. Equation @ref(eq:EAIC) gives the unconditional expectation of AIC for both models2, so that:


Assuming, without loss of generality, that p1p2, we have:


To gain some intuition, suppose that the set of variables contained in X1 is a subset of those contained in X2, so that the two corresponding models are nested. Eq. @ref(eq:AICCondition) tells us that, for N below a certain threshold, AIC will prefer the more “parsimonious” model involving X1 only. In particular, if V(Y|X1)V(Y|X2), we can make a first-order approximation in the RHS of Eq. @ref(eq:AICCondition), that yields:



In parallel to AIC, we can consider the exact “information criterion” provided by the model in-sample cross-entropy under the true data generating process. For a single linear model, the in-sample cross-entropy is:


(“in-sample” refers to the fact that we fix, i.e. condition, on the covariate vector of the training sample, X.) The X conditional expectation of CEin, again under model assumptions, can be computed by noticing two facts:

  • The numerator and denominator are conditionally independent χ2 variables with p and Np degrees of freedom respectively. This can be seen by rewriting these as ϵTHϵ, and ϵT(1H)ϵ, respectively, where H=X(XTX)1XT as usual.
  • For a χ2 random variable with ν degrees of freedom we have E(1χ2)=1ν2.

Using these results, we can show that:


(an equation which is true by design of AIC).

Before rushing to the (wrong) conclusion that AIC1AIC2 will correspondingly estimate a difference of expected cross-entropies, let us notice that the relevant in-sample cross-entropy to be considered for model evaluation is Eq. @ref(eq:InSampleCrossEntropy) with X corresponding to the full covariate vector: this is the target we should try to estimate (at least to the extent that our goal is predicting Y given X). For this reason, strictly speaking, Eq. @ref(eq:AICvsCE) is exact only if our model is well specified as a model of Y|X. Otherwise, in order to estimate consistently E(CEin|X), we should use Takeuchi’s Information Criterion (TIC) rather than AIC.

A bit more pragmatically, in the real world we could assume the remainder of @ref(eq:AICvsCE) to be O(N1) (rather than O(N2)), but generally small with respect the leading order AIC correction (p+1N). This will be the case if the models being compared are approximately well specified.



We take the data generating process to be:




m <- 0.1
q <- 0

rxy <- function(n) {
        x = rnorm(n, sd = 1),
        y = m * x + q + rnorm(n, sd = 1)

We compare the model with vs. without slope term (m=0 vs. m0), which we will denote by suffixes 1 and 1X, respectively. The functions below compute AIC and in-sample cross-entropy from the corresponding lm objects. We also define a “Naive Information Criterion” NIClog(ˆσ).

nic <- function(fit) {
    p <- length(coef(fit))
    n <- nobs(fit)
    sigma_hat <- sigma(fit) * sqrt((n - p) / n)

aic <- function(fit) {
    p <- length(coef(fit))
    n <- nobs(fit)
    sigma_hat <- sigma(fit) * sqrt((n - p) / n)
    log(sigma_hat) + (p + 1) / n + 0.5 *(1 + log(2*pi))

ce <- function(fit, data) {
    p <- length(coef(fit))
    n <- nobs(fit)
    sigma_hat <- sigma(fit) * sqrt((n - p) / n)
    y_hat <- fitted(fit)
    mu <- data$x * m + q
    res <- 0
    res <- res + 0.5 / (sigma_hat^2)
    res <- res + log(sigma_hat)
    res <- res + mean(0.5 * (y_hat - mu)^2 / (sigma_hat^2))
    res <- res + 0.5 * log(2 * pi)


From our results above, we expect:


The expected in-sample cross-entropies cannot be computed explicitly, but for relatively small m2 we expect (cf. Eq. @ref(eq:AICvsCE)):


I will use tidyverse for plotting results.


In order to make results reproducible let’s:



We simulate fitting models 1 and 1X at different sample sizes from the data generating process described above.

fits <- tidyr::expand_grid(
        n = 10 ^ seq(from = 1, to = 3, by = 0.5), b = 1:1e3
        ) |>
    mutate(data = lapply(n, rxy)) |>
    group_by(n, b, data) |>
    tidyr::expand(model = c(y ~ 1, y ~ x)) |>
    ungroup() |>
        fit = lapply(row_number(), \(i) lm(model[[i]], data = data[[i]])),
        ce = sapply(row_number(), \(i) ce(fit[[i]], data[[i]])),
        aic = sapply(fit, aic),
        nic = sapply(fit, nic),
        model = format(model)
        ) |>
    select(-c(fit, data))

The plots below show the dependence from sample size of E(ΔAIC) and E(ΔCEin), as well as AIC selection frequencies. Notice that for N=1m2, even though E(ΔAIC)=0, the selection frequency of the “complex” model 1X is still below 50 %. This is because the distribution of ΔAIC is asymmetric, as seen in the second plot, and E(ΔAIC)<median(ΔAIC).

fits |>
        is_baseline = model == "y ~ 1",
        delta_ce = ce - ce[is_baseline], 
        delta_aic = aic - aic[is_baseline],
        delta_nic = nic - nic[is_baseline],
        .by = c(n, b),
        ) |>
    filter(!is_baseline) |>
        `E( ΔCE )` = mean(delta_ce), 
        `E( ΔAIC )` = mean(delta_aic),
        `E( ΔNIC )` = mean(delta_nic),
        .by = n
        ) |>
        -n, names_to = "metric", values_to = "value"
    ) |>
    ggplot(aes(x = n, y = value, color = metric)) +
        geom_point() +
        geom_line() +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
        geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 1 / m^2), linetype = "dotted") +
        scale_x_log10("Sample Size") +
        coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-0.025, 0.025)) + ylab(expression(IC)) +
        theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank()) +
        ggtitle("AIC vs. in-sample cross-entropy", "Expected values") +

fits |>
    filter(aic == min(aic), .by = c(n, b)) |>
    summarise(count = n(), .by = c(n, model)) |>
    ggplot(aes(fill = model, x = n, y = count)) + 
        geom_col() + 
        scale_x_log10("Sample Size") +
        ylab("Count") +
        theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
        ggtitle("AIC model selection frequencies")

fits |>
    filter(n %in% c(10, 100, 1000)) |>
    mutate(delta_aic = aic - aic[model == "y ~ 1"], .by = c(n, b)) |>
    filter(model != "y ~ 1") |>
    mutate(expec = -0.5 * log(1 + m^2) + 0.5 / n) |>
    ggplot(aes(x = delta_aic, color = as.factor(n))) +
        geom_density() +
        coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-0.1, NA)) +
        labs(x = "ΔAIC", y = "Density", color = "Sample Size") +
        ggtitle("ΔAIC probability density")

Finally, here is something I have no idea where it comes from. The plot below shows the scatterplot of in-sample cross-entropy differences vs. the AIC differences. It is well known that AIC only estimates the expectation of these differences, averaged over potential training samples. One may ask whether AIC has anything to say about the actual cross-entropy difference for the estimated models, conditional on the realized training sample.

Assuming I have made no errors here, the tilted-U shape of this scatterplot is a clear negative answer. What’s especially interesting is that, apparently, these differences have a negative correlation. I fail to see where do the negative correlation and the U-shape come from.

fits |> 
    filter(n == 100) |>
        is_baseline = model == "y ~ 1",
        delta_ce = ce - ce[is_baseline], 
        delta_aic = aic - aic[is_baseline],
        .by = c(n, b),
        ) |>
    filter(!is_baseline) |>
    ggplot(aes(x = delta_aic, y = delta_ce)) +
        geom_point(size = 1, alpha = 0.2) +
        lims(x = c(-0.02, 0.01), y = c(-0.01, 0.03)) +
        labs(x = "ΔAIC", y = "ΔCE") +
        ggtitle("AIC vs. in-sample cross-entropy", "Point values for N = 100") +

  1. See e.g. 1503.06266↩︎

  2. The same equation actually gives the expectation of AIC conditional to the in-sample covariate vector X. Since this conditioning differs for the two different models involving X1 and X2, in our comparison of expected values we must interpret this as unconditional expectations, in general.↩︎

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