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WebDev4R: The Ultimate Guide To Get Data Through APIs With {httr2} and R

[This article was first published on Albert Rapp, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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  • Today, we’re talking about something that has been a mystery to me for quite some time. We are talking about APIs and how to get data from them using R. And we will do that with the help of the {httr2} package. This is quite a broad topic so this will be quite a long ride. Here’s our playbook for today:

    • Level 1 (easy): We dip our toes into the water and learn what an API is and how to make a request to an API. At this stage we’re just getting data from the US National Weather Service which does not require any authentication. Authentication can be a pain in the ass, so we that’s why this is the easy level.

    • Level 2 (intermediate): In Level 1 we hit the API of the weather service to get the weather data at a specific coordinate. But what if we want to get the weather forecast for an address? That’s where Google’s geocoding API comes in. It gives us coordinates to addresses that we pass to it. But this API requires authentication.

    • Level 3 (intermediate): Another form of authentication uses Bearer tokens. It’s very similar to what we already learned in Level 2. So that’s why it’s not a huge step up. But still it’s good to see how that one works. One particular example for that is OpenAI’s API. We’re going to use it to have a chat with ChatGPT from R.

    • Level 4 (hard): I already said that authentication can be a pain in the ass. In particular, the YouTube API is hard to navigate because it uses something called OAuth 2.0 authentication. This one is quite a complicated construct but {httr2} helps us here too. I’ll show you how that works.

    So that’s our gameplay for this blog post. As I’ve said, this one will be a long one. Hence the name “Ultimate Guide”. But if you want to lean back and enjoy all of this content in video form, I’ve got you covered. You can find the video version of this blog post on my YouTube channel:

    < section id="level-1-getting-to-know-apis" class="level2">

    Level 1: Getting to know APIs

    Alright, Level 1 is doing small steps with APIs. Let’s dive in.

    < section id="what-is-an-api" class="level3">

    What is an API?

    API stands for Application Programming Interface. Broadly speaking, an API is anything that we can throw code at to get results that we want. Often, this refers to some data source that we tap into. But sometimes it also simply means the syntax of code. For example, ggplot2 has a very distinctive API, i.e. a code syntax to create a chart. In this blog post, though, we will just refer to APIs as data sources.

    < section id="making-requests-to-an-api" class="level3">

    Making requests to an API

    If you’ve never worked with APIs, you know that it can feel like data is hidden away behind an API. Thankfully, the {httr2} package helps us a lot, even if we’ve never dealt with APIs before. This package allows us to use a step-by-step workflow that is always the same. Here’s how it looks and don’t worry if this doesn’t mean a thing to you yet:

    1️⃣ Stick a base URL it into request().

    2️⃣ Pipe that request into all kinds of req_*() functions to fill your request with the parameters and authentication your request needs.

    3️⃣ Perform your request after your filled in all the parameters you need with req_perform().

    4️⃣ Extract the data from the response via resp_body_json() to turn the JSON response into a list.

    So these are the steps that make up an API request to get data. And the cool thing is: With the US National Weather Service we can do that manually first to understand what’s going on. Just head to the following url using your web browser:,-77.0352

    If you navigate there, you will get cryptic data like that:

    This is what is known as a JSON file. More on that later. For now, notice that what you see at the end of the url after points/ corresponds to the coordinates that are given in the JSON output. (Compare that with the things the red arrow is pointing at)

    This means that the recipe for calling the weather API is simple: Append points/{lat},{long} at the end of the base_url, i.e. In this case, {lat},{long} corresponds to the latitude and longitude of the location you want to get weather forecasts for.

    < section id="making-a-request-with-httr2" class="level3">

    Making a request with {httr2}

    The {httr2} syntax to make this work mimics this quite well. Here’s how it looks.

    NWS_base_url <- ''
    request(NWS_base_url) |> 
    ## <httr2_request>
    ## GET,-77.0352
    ## Body: empty

    Basically, at the core of every request is the request() function that needs to know the base_url. This returns an <httr2_request> object that can be passed to further req_*() functions to modify the request.

    Here, we used req_url_path_append() to modify the request but there are also other functions. We’ll learn a couple more soon enough. Finally, to actually make the request, you can pass everything to req_perform().

    NWS_base_url <- ''
    NWS_response <- request(NWS_base_url) |> 
      ) |> 
    ## <httr2_response>
    ## GET,-77.0352
    ## Status: 200 OK
    ## Content-Type: application/geo+json
    ## Body: In memory (3091 bytes)
    < section id="understanding-the-response" class="level3">

    Understanding the response

    As you’ve just seen, your request will return a <httr2_response> and if everything went well, the output will also show you Status: 200 OK. You can get the actual content (the JSON that you’ve seen in your web browser earlier) via one of the many resp_*() functions that handle responses. This will give you a highly nested list (which is why the output looks so huge.)

    NWS_response |> 
    ## $`@context`
    ## $`@context`[[1]]
    ## [1] ""
    ## $`@context`[[2]]
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$`@version`
    ## [1] "1.1"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$wx
    ## [1] ""
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$s
    ## [1] ""
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$geo
    ## [1] ""
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$unit
    ## [1] ""
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$`@vocab`
    ## [1] ""
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$geometry
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$geometry$`@id`
    ## [1] "s:GeoCoordinates"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$geometry$`@type`
    ## [1] "geo:wktLiteral"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$city
    ## [1] "s:addressLocality"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$state
    ## [1] "s:addressRegion"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$distance
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$distance$`@id`
    ## [1] "s:Distance"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$distance$`@type`
    ## [1] "s:QuantitativeValue"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$bearing
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$bearing$`@type`
    ## [1] "s:QuantitativeValue"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$value
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$value$`@id`
    ## [1] "s:value"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$unitCode
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$unitCode$`@id`
    ## [1] "s:unitCode"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$unitCode$`@type`
    ## [1] "@id"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$forecastOffice
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$forecastOffice$`@type`
    ## [1] "@id"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$forecastGridData
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$forecastGridData$`@type`
    ## [1] "@id"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$publicZone
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$publicZone$`@type`
    ## [1] "@id"
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$county
    ## $`@context`[[2]]$county$`@type`
    ## [1] "@id"
    ## $id
    ## [1] ",-77.0352"
    ## $type
    ## [1] "Feature"
    ## $geometry
    ## $geometry$type
    ## [1] "Point"
    ## $geometry$coordinates
    ## $geometry$coordinates[[1]]
    ## [1] -77.0352
    ## $geometry$coordinates[[2]]
    ## [1] 38.8894
    ## $properties
    ## $properties$`@id`
    ## [1] ",-77.0352"
    ## $properties$`@type`
    ## [1] "wx:Point"
    ## $properties$cwa
    ## [1] "LWX"
    ## $properties$forecastOffice
    ## [1] ""
    ## $properties$gridId
    ## [1] "LWX"
    ## $properties$gridX
    ## [1] 97
    ## $properties$gridY
    ## [1] 71
    ## $properties$forecast
    ## [1] ",71/forecast"
    ## $properties$forecastHourly
    ## [1] ",71/forecast/hourly"
    ## $properties$forecastGridData
    ## [1] ",71"
    ## $properties$observationStations
    ## [1] ",71/stations"
    ## $properties$relativeLocation
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$type
    ## [1] "Feature"
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$geometry
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$geometry$type
    ## [1] "Point"
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$geometry$coordinates
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$geometry$coordinates[[1]]
    ## [1] -77.01723
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$geometry$coordinates[[2]]
    ## [1] 38.9041
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$properties
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$properties$city
    ## [1] "Washington"
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$properties$state
    ## [1] "DC"
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$properties$distance
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$properties$distance$unitCode
    ## [1] "wmoUnit:m"
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$properties$distance$value
    ## [1] 2256.463
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$properties$bearing
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$properties$bearing$unitCode
    ## [1] "wmoUnit:degree_(angle)"
    ## $properties$relativeLocation$properties$bearing$value
    ## [1] 223
    ## $properties$forecastZone
    ## [1] ""
    ## $properties$county
    ## [1] ""
    ## $properties$fireWeatherZone
    ## [1] ""
    ## $properties$timeZone
    ## [1] "America/New_York"
    ## $properties$radarStation
    ## [1] "KLWX"
    < section id="working-with-the-response" class="level3">

    Working with the response

    To make sense of this highly nested list, we use glimpse() to understand the structure of the object.

    NWS_response |> 
      resp_body_json() |> 
    ## List of 5
    ##  $ @context  :List of 2
    ##   ..$ : chr ""
    ##   ..$ :List of 17
    ##   .. ..$ @version        : chr "1.1"
    ##   .. ..$ wx              : chr ""
    ##   .. ..$ s               : chr ""
    ##   .. ..$ geo             : chr ""
    ##   .. ..$ unit            : chr ""
    ##   .. ..$ @vocab          : chr ""
    ##   .. ..$ geometry        :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ city            : chr "s:addressLocality"
    ##   .. ..$ state           : chr "s:addressRegion"
    ##   .. ..$ distance        :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ bearing         :List of 1
    ##   .. ..$ value           :List of 1
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode        :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ forecastOffice  :List of 1
    ##   .. ..$ forecastGridData:List of 1
    ##   .. ..$ publicZone      :List of 1
    ##   .. ..$ county          :List of 1
    ##  $ id        : chr ",-77.0352"
    ##  $ type      : chr "Feature"
    ##  $ geometry  :List of 2
    ##   ..$ type       : chr "Point"
    ##   ..$ coordinates:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ : num -77
    ##   .. ..$ : num 38.9
    ##  $ properties:List of 17
    ##   ..$ @id                : chr ",-77.0352"
    ##   ..$ @type              : chr "wx:Point"
    ##   ..$ cwa                : chr "LWX"
    ##   ..$ forecastOffice     : chr ""
    ##   ..$ gridId             : chr "LWX"
    ##   ..$ gridX              : int 97
    ##   ..$ gridY              : int 71
    ##   ..$ forecast           : chr ",71/forecast"
    ##   ..$ forecastHourly     : chr ",71/forecast/hourly"
    ##   ..$ forecastGridData   : chr ",71"
    ##   ..$ observationStations: chr ",71/stations"
    ##   ..$ relativeLocation   :List of 3
    ##   .. ..$ type      : chr "Feature"
    ##   .. ..$ geometry  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ properties:List of 4
    ##   ..$ forecastZone       : chr ""
    ##   ..$ county             : chr ""
    ##   ..$ fireWeatherZone    : chr ""
    ##   ..$ timeZone           : chr "America/New_York"
    ##   ..$ radarStation       : chr "KLWX"

    And with pluck() you can easily drill down into specific parts of the list. For example, this could be used to get the URL for the hourly forecasts.

    forecast_url <- NWS_response |> 
      resp_body_json() |> 
      pluck('properties', 'forecastHourly')
    ## [1] ",71/forecast/hourly"
    < section id="repeat-process-for-forecasts" class="level3">

    Repeat process for forecasts

    With the new forecast URL, we can get new JSON data about the forecasts for our location.

    forecast_response <- request(forecast_url) |> 
    forecast_response |> 
      resp_body_json() |> 
    ## List of 4
    ##  $ @context  :List of 2
    ##   ..$ : chr ""
    ##   ..$ :List of 5
    ##   .. ..$ @version: chr "1.1"
    ##   .. ..$ wx      : chr ""
    ##   .. ..$ geo     : chr ""
    ##   .. ..$ unit    : chr ""
    ##   .. ..$ @vocab  : chr ""
    ##  $ type      : chr "Feature"
    ##  $ geometry  :List of 2
    ##   ..$ type       : chr "Polygon"
    ##   ..$ coordinates:List of 1
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 5
    ##  $ properties:List of 8
    ##   ..$ updated          : chr "2024-03-03T11:29:50+00:00"
    ##   ..$ units            : chr "us"
    ##   ..$ forecastGenerator: chr "HourlyForecastGenerator"
    ##   ..$ generatedAt      : chr "2024-03-03T13:12:53+00:00"
    ##   ..$ updateTime       : chr "2024-03-03T11:29:50+00:00"
    ##   ..$ validTimes       : chr "2024-03-03T05:00:00+00:00/P7DT20H"
    ##   ..$ elevation        :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:m"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 6.1
    ##   ..$ periods          :List of 156
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
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    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
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    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
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    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
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    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. ..$ :List of 16
    ##   .. .. [list output truncated]

    In that output, we can see that there is a list called periods inside of the properties list. This periods lists contains more lists which always have 16 entries. This might be where our forecast data lives.

    forecast_response |> 
      resp_body_json() |> 
      pluck('properties', 'periods') |> 
    ## List of 156
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 1
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T08:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T09:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 46
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 1
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 5.56
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 86
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NW"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",1?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 2
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T09:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T10:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 1
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 6.67
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 83
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NW"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",1?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 3
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T10:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T11:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 52
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 1
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 7.22
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 77
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NW"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",1?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 4
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T11:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T12:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 55
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 1
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 7.78
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 72
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NW"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",1?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 5
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T12:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T13:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 58
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 1
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 7.78
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 64
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "W"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",1?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 6
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T13:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T14:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 61
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.33
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 60
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SW"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 7
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T14:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T15:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 62
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 7.78
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 56
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "3 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SW"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 8
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T15:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T16:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 62
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.33
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 58
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "3 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SW"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 9
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T16:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T17:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 61
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 62
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "5 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SW"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 10
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T17:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T18:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 60
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 64
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "3 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SW"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 11
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T18:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T19:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 57
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 75
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "S"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 12
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T19:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T20:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 54
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 83
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "S"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 13
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T20:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T21:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 53
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 89
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "S"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 14
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T21:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T22:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 52
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 93
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "1 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "S"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 15
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T22:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-03T23:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 51
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 93
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "1 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "S"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 16
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-03T23:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T00:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 50
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "0 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "S"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 17
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T00:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T01:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 0
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "0 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "S"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",0?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 18
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T01:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T02:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 1
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",1?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 19
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T02:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T03:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 1
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",1?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 20
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T03:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T04:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 48
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 1
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 100
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "1 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",1?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 21
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T04:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T05:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 48
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 1
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 100
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "1 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",1?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 22
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T05:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T06:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 47
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 1
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.33
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 100
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "0 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",1?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 23
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T06:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T07:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 47
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 1
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.33
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 100
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",1?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 24
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T07:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T08:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 48
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 4
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.33
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",4?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 25
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T08:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T09:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 50
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 4
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 93
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "2 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",4?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 26
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T09:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T10:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 52
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 4
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 86
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "3 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",4?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 27
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T10:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T11:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 55
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 4
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 80
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "5 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",4?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 28
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T11:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T12:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 58
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 4
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 72
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",4?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 29
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T12:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T13:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 60
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 4
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 67
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",4?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 30
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T13:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T14:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 62
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 8
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 62
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",8?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 31
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T14:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T15:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 63
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 8
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 60
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",8?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Partly Sunny"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 32
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T15:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T16:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 64
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 8
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 60
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "7 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",8?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 33
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T16:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T17:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 63
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 8
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 62
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "7 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",8?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 34
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T17:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T18:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 62
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 8
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 65
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "7 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",8?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 35
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T18:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T19:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 60
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 8
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 69
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",8?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 36
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T19:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T20:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 58
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 30
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 75
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",30?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 37
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T20:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T21:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 56
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 30
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 80
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",30?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 38
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T21:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T22:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 54
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 30
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 83
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",30?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 39
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T22:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-04T23:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 52
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 30
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 89
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",30?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 40
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-04T23:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T00:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 51
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 30
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 93
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",30?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 41
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T00:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T01:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 50
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 30
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 93
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "E"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",30?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 42
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T01:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T02:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 70
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",70?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 43
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T02:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T03:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 70
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",70?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 44
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T03:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T04:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 70
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",70?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 45
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T04:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T05:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 70
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",70?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 46
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T05:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T06:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 70
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",70?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 47
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T06:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T07:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 48
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 70
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 100
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",70?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 48
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T07:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T08:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 59
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",59?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 49
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T08:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T09:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 59
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 8.89
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "7 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",59?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 50
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T09:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T10:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 50
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 59
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "8 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "N"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",59?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 51
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T10:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T11:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 52
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 59
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 89
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "8 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "N"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",59?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 52
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T11:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T12:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 53
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 59
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 89
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "8 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "N"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",59?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 53
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T12:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T13:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 55
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 59
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 83
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "7 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "N"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",59?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Rain Likely"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 54
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T13:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T14:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 55
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 20
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 10.6
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 86
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "N"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",20?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Slight Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 55
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T14:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T15:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 56
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 20
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 10.6
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 83
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "N"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",20?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Slight Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 56
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T15:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T16:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 58
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 20
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 11.1
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 80
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NW"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",20?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Slight Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 57
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T16:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T17:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 58
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 20
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 11.1
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 80
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "NW"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",20?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Slight Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 58
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T17:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T18:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi TRUE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 57
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 20
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 10.6
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 80
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "W"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",20?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Slight Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 59
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T18:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T19:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 56
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 20
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 11.1
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 86
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "S"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",20?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Slight Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 60
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T19:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T20:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 55
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 9
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 11.1
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 90
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",9?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 61
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T20:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T21:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 54
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 9
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 11.1
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 93
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "6 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",9?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 62
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T21:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T22:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 53
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 9
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 10.6
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 93
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "5 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",9?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 63
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T22:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-05T23:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 52
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 9
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 93
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "5 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",9?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 64
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-05T23:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-06T00:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 51
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 9
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 10
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "5 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",9?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 65
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-06T00:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-06T01:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 51
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 9
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 93
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "5 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",9?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Mostly Cloudy"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 66
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-06T01:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-06T02:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 50
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 16
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "5 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",16?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Slight Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 67
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-06T02:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-06T03:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 50
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 16
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 96
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "5 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",16?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Slight Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 68
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-06T03:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-06T04:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 16
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 100
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "3 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr ",16?size=small"
    ##   ..$ shortForecast             : chr "Slight Chance Light Rain"
    ##   ..$ detailedForecast          : chr ""
    ##  $ :List of 16
    ##   ..$ number                    : int 69
    ##   ..$ name                      : chr ""
    ##   ..$ startTime                 : chr "2024-03-06T04:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ endTime                   : chr "2024-03-06T05:00:00-05:00"
    ##   ..$ isDaytime                 : logi FALSE
    ##   ..$ temperature               : int 49
    ##   ..$ temperatureUnit           : chr "F"
    ##   ..$ temperatureTrend          : NULL
    ##   ..$ probabilityOfPrecipitation:List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 16
    ##   ..$ dewpoint                  :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:degC"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : num 9.44
    ##   ..$ relativeHumidity          :List of 2
    ##   .. ..$ unitCode: chr "wmoUnit:percent"
    ##   .. ..$ value   : int 100
    ##   ..$ windSpeed                 : chr "3 mph"
    ##   ..$ windDirection             : chr "SE"
    ##   ..$ icon                      : chr "
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