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The ‘RowReorder’ extension of datatables is available
in the DT package. This extension allows to reorder the
rows of a DT table by dragging and dropping. However,
if you enable this extension in a Shiny app for a table using the
server-side processing (option server=TRUE
), that won’t work: each time the rows are
reordered, they will jump back to their original locations.
So, if you want to use the server-side processing, you have to get the
new order of the rows whenever they are reordered and then you have to
replace the data by applying this new order to it. It is possible to get
the new order in JavaScript by listening to the
datatables event row-reorder
. Then it
suffices to send this new order to the Shiny server with the help of
. Here is the JavaScript code which does
this job, where n
is the number of rows of the data:
js <- c( "table.on('row-reorder', function(e, details, edit) {", sprintf(" var order = [%s];", toString(0:(n-1))), " for(entry of details) {", " order[entry.newPosition] = entry.oldPosition;", " }", " Shiny.setInputValue('newOrder', order);", "});" )
With this code, whenever the rows are reordered, the Shiny server
receives the new order in input$newOrder
. So one can use a
Shiny observer of this value, in which we can replace the data with the
help of the DT function replaceData
. One
has to keep track of the transformed data for the subsequent
reorderings, and we can use a reactive dataframe to do so. Here is the
full code of the implementation of this method in a Shiny app:
library(shiny) library(DT) dat <- data.frame( Type = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), Value = c(100, 90, 80, 70) ) js <- c( "table.on('row-reorder', function(e, details, edit) {", sprintf(" var order = [%s];", toString(0:(nrow(dat)-1))), " for(entry of details) {", " order[entry.newPosition] = entry.oldPosition;", " }", " Shiny.setInputValue('newOrder', order);", "});" ) showRowNames <- TRUE ui <- fluidPage( br(), DTOutput("table") ) server <- function(input, output, session){ output$table <- renderDT({ datatable( dat, rownames = showRowNames, extensions = "RowReorder", callback = JS(js), options = list(rowReorder = TRUE) ) }, server = TRUE) proxy <- dataTableProxy("table") Dat <- reactiveVal(dat) observeEvent(input$newOrder, { dat0 <- Dat() dat1 <- dat0[input$newOrder + 1, ] replaceData(proxy, dat1, resetPaging = FALSE, rownames = showRowNames) Dat(dat1) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
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