Announcement: Jan Gorecki, data.table Ambassador

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Please join me in congratulting our first-ever data.table Ambassador: Jan Gorecki!

A round of applause!

Jan is a natural choice for an Ambassador, due to his many years of fantastic contribution to the data.table package. You can find his great work in open-source development at Find him on Mastodon at to say congratulations, or chat about all things data.table.


As part of his Ambassador role, Jan will be giving three exciting talks this year:

Rolling statistics and moving windows in Edinburgh on January 26th, with the Edinburgh R Users group.

Rolling statistics are an interesting topic for optimizations, therefore in my talk I will use R language to present naive implementation, and the optimized implementation, on a simple case of rolling mean. Then I will move to data.table implementations of rolling statistics explaining possible optimizations in other functions, which are not that straightforward anymore, like min/max and, actually very complex, median. Finally benchmarks will be presented comparing data.table implementations to base R, pandas, polars, slider/dplyr, duckdb and spark.

High-productivity data frame operations with data.table on February 8th in Sevilla, Spain with the Sevilla R Users group

Talk with SevillaR

Register to watch online here

The Spanish R Conference in Sevilla, Spain. (Date and topic TBD)

We look forward to Jan’s excellent talks, and a forthcoming blog post right here on The Raft to share his experiences – and of course, his continued wonderful contributions to the data.table community. Thank you, Jan!

Become an Ambassador

Do you have ideas for talks about data.table? Do you want to be part of this new community movement? Apply now for the data.table Ambassadors Grant to fund conference travel for presentations related to data.table. More details on the Ambassadors program at this blog post, and more details on the grant project itself are here.

Questions? Email [email protected] with any and all questions!

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