TidyTuesday Week 18: Portal Project

May 1, 2023 | Louise E. Sinks

Today’s TidyTuesday is about the Portal Project, which is a long terms study on the ecology of Arizona. The study explores how ants, rodents, plants respond to climate in the desert near Portal, Az. A subset of the data is provided for this week’s...
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rpaleoclim v1.0.0: paleoclimate data in R

May 1, 2023 | Joe Roe

PaleoClim (Brown et al. 2018, Scientific Data) is a set of high-resolution paleoclimate surfaces covering the whole world. The data is derived from HadCM3, one of the major ‘general circulation models’ that is used to forecast climate change, turned backwards to ‘predict’ conditions for key climate periods in the past. This ...
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How to R code faster with ChatGPT

April 30, 2023 | Business Science

Writing code is a slow process especially when you are first learning data science. What if you could speed it up? You can and this is how. In this free R-tip, I share a real case study where I made the working R code for my data analysis in under 30 ...
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operation impossible

April 29, 2023 | xi'an

A riddle from The Riddler on how many different numbers one could at most produce from six initial values and the four basic operations. In other words, how many values could the terms in a∅(b∅{c∅[d∅(e∅f)]}) could take? (With each ∅ being one of the four operations ...
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Yet Another Movie: IMDB Top 250 movies

April 29, 2023 | quantixed

I’m not a big movie person. Nonetheless I have a media library with quite a few films in and I wondered how many “films to see before you die”-type movies I had in the collection, and how many were missing. I used R to find the answers. I’...
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Stories Data Speak 2023-04-29 05:33:17

April 29, 2023 | Ashish Dutt

Introduction Recently, I stepped into the AWS ecosystem to learn and explore its capabilities. I’m documenting my experiences in these series of posts. Hopefully, they will serve as a reference point to me in future or for anyone else following this p...
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Automating RMarkdown/Quarto reports workshop

April 28, 2023 | Dariia Mykhailyshyna

Learn how to automate RMarkdown and Quarto reports! Join our workshop on  Automating RMarkdown/Quarto reports which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series.  Here’s some more info:  Title: Automating RMarkdown/Quarto reports Date: Thursday, June 1st, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone) Speaker: Indrek Seppo, a seasoned ... [Read more...]
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