Learning Path: Shiny

May 19, 2023 | Mirai Solutions

Enhance your data science toolkit with our “Shiny” learning path: build your first shiny app, make it shine and robust, and bring it to production. R Shiny is empowered data science through interactive interface. By providing your code with a UI, i...
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Using bookdown with gh-pages

May 18, 2023 | Pachá

R/Shiny Training: Should you find this blog to be of interest, kindly note that I offer personalized and group-based training sessions that may be reserved through Buy me a Coffee. Additionally, I provide training services in the Spanish language an... [Read more...]

Using bookdown with gh-pages

May 17, 2023 | pacha.dev/blog

R/Shiny Training: Should you find this blog to be of interest, kindly note that I offer personalized and group-based training sessions that may be reserved through Buy me a Coffee. Additionally, I provide training services in the Spanish language ... [Read more...]

The which() Function in R

May 17, 2023 | Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH

Introduction: As a programmer, one of the most important tasks is to extract valuable insights from data. To make this process efficient, it is crucial to have a reliable tool at your disposal. Enter the which() function in R. This versatile fun... [Read more...]

grasshoppers for pythons

May 17, 2023 | xi'an

Following my earlier post on the terrible performances of ChatGPT for a grasshopping riddle, Bob Carpenter sent me his interaction with GPT4, using the same entry. Here is the python code outcome he obtained. The code is running  and the answer is correct. BC: Thanks. Can you write a python ...
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Becoming an R developer: the workshop

May 17, 2023 | Mirai Solutions

Learn how to work in an R development team with us on May 31st! With the 4th and last chapter of our “Introduction to R” learning path we terminate our journey towards building strong R programming foundations and skills. With the “Become an R Deve...
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