Reflecting on Macros

June 9, 2023 | Jonathan Carroll

I’ve been following the drama of the RustConf Keynote Fiasco (RKNF, per @fasterthanlime) from a great distance - I’m not involved in that community beyond starting to learn the language. But the controversial topic itself Compile-Time Reflection seemed like something interesting I could learn something about. A good ...
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R and OOP anti-patterns

June 9, 2023 | Bob Carpenter

Thomas Lumley just dropped a blog post, Blank cheque inheritance and statistical objects, which begins as follows. One of the problems with object-oriented programming for statistical methods is that inheritance is backwards. Everything is fine for data structures, and Bioconductor … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Kakhovka Dam Disaster

June 8, 2023 | Art Steinmetz

Some History The war in Ukraine has spawned yet another disaster, the destruction of the dam across the Dnipro river, upstream from Kherson City. This is an ecologial and humanitarian disaster as vast acres of settlements, farmlands and wetlands have been destroyed. This marks the third time a dam in ...
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Update to Data Science Software Popularity

June 7, 2023 | Bob Muenchen

I’ve updated The Popularity of Data Science Software‘s market share estimates based on scholarly articles. I posted it below, so you don’t have to sift through the main article to read the new section. Scholarly Articles Scholarly articles provide a rich source of information about data science ...
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uniform spacings

June 7, 2023 | xi'an

A riddle on uniform spacings!, namely when considering eight iid Uniform (0,1) variates as visiting times and three further iid Uniform (0,1) variates as server availability times, with unit service time, the question being the probability a server is available for a ninth visiting time, T⁹. Which can be decomposed into four ...
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A Gentle Introduction to Docker

June 5, 2023 | Matt Kaye

This post is part of a series called The Missing Semester of Your DS Education. Introduction If you’re doing data science work, it’s likely you’ll eventually come across a situation where you need to run your code somewhere else. Whether... [Read more...]
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