I’m hiring a C++ tutor who knows R

July 14, 2023 | pacha.dev/blog

General objective I need to hire a tutor who can teach me C++ and how to integrate it with R. For this, I need a tutor that has at least 2 years of experience with R and ideally that writes C++ code professionally. Specific objectives I want t... [Read more...]

Calculating State Electricity Generation By Fuel Type using R

July 14, 2023 | Andy Pickering

Introduction Electricity generation is a major source of carbon emissions, and transitioning to cleaner and/or renewable sources of power generation is important to lowering greenhouse gas emissions and limiting the effects of climate change (as well as other benefits such as improving air quality). With the increase in electrification (...
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Advancing FDA Clinical Trial Submissions with R: Reproducing the R Submissions Pilot 2 Shiny App Using Rhino

July 13, 2023 | Vedha Viyash

A Brief Overview of the RConsortium Submissions Working Group The RConsortium Submissions working group is dedicated to promoting the use of R in the life science industry, particularly in FDA submissions. RConsortium’s mission is centered around creating example R-based submissions for various scenarios, demonstrating the potential of R and ...
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datasetR – R package for creating datasets

July 13, 2023 | tomaztsql

The datasetR helps you generate a random datasets for your R project. It provides a preset random list of values with different data types (interval, ordinal, nominal values). It includes also a function for imputing a NULL, NA or missing values. Installing…Read more ›
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Linear Models in R – Part 1

July 12, 2023 | pacha.dev/blog

A step-by-step explanation of how to fit a linear model. Here we cover OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) and work with readily available R datasets to explore the relationship between vehicles’ weight and fuel efficiency. You can read more about the to... [Read more...]

Linear Models in R – Part 2

July 12, 2023 | pacha.dev/blog

A step-by-step explanation of how to fit a linear model. Here we cover GLM (Generalized Linear Models) but focus on the Poisson link and work with datasets that we have to download and join to produce a final dataset to explore the effects of dist... [Read more...]

Linear Models in R – Part 3

July 12, 2023 | pacha.dev/blog

A step-by-step explanation of how to fit a linear model. Here we cover GLMs (Generalized Linear Models) but focus on the Poisson link with a large number of fixed effects and work with datasets that we have to download and join to produce a final ... [Read more...]

Another Hopf torus

July 11, 2023 | Stéphane Laurent

Recall that a Hopf torus is a two-dimensional object in the 4D space defined by a profile curve: a closed curve on the unit sphere. When mapping it to the 3D space with the stereographic projection, we ca... [Read more...]

Setting up R

July 11, 2023 | Giles

R is a free available programming language for statistical analysis, computing and producing data visualizations. To use R as part of this course you’ll need to install ‘base R’ and R studio. Base R is free and can be installed on Windows, Mac or Linux by following the respective ‘... [Read more...]
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