Quantum programs

July 28, 2023 | Boris Guarisma

Cover photo by NatalyaBurova ref. 1308269282 on iStock Go to R-bloggers for R news and tutorials contributed by hundreds of R bloggers. This is the second article of the Quantum Computing simulation with R series. Introduction The figure below is from ...
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Quantum computing with qsimulatR

July 27, 2023 | Boris Guarisma

Cover photo by berya113 ref. 1126414116 on iStock Go to R-bloggers for R news and tutorials contributed by hundreds of R bloggers. This is the first article of the Quantum Computing simulation with R series. Welcome to our series on quantum computing b...
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Canadian Hansard Live Database

July 26, 2023 | pacha.dev/blog

Motivation The original LiPad site provides a SQL dump that requires you to configure PostreSQL on your own laptop or server. Because some classmates asked me about it, I decided to host the database to simplify its access. Description Database... [Read more...]

See BlueSky Statistics GUI for R at JSM 2023

July 26, 2023 | Bob Muenchen

Are attending this year’s Joint Statistical Meetings in Toronto? If so, stop by booth 404 to see the latest features of BlueSky Statistics. A menu-based graphical user interface for the R language, BlueSky lets people access the power of R without having to learn to program. Programmers can easily add ...
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AB tests and repeated checks

July 26, 2023 | vgherard

Intro “How is the experiment going?” Also: “Do we already see something?” And my favorite one: “Did we already hit significance, or do we need more data?” If you have dealt with experiments with relatively high outcome expectations, you will l...
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Price’s Protein Puzzle: 2023 update

July 26, 2023 | nsaunders

One of the joys (?) of having been online for…quite some time now…is watching topics reappear every few years or so. So what’s new? In terms of English word matches: not much. Some new proteins but no new 9-letter words. The Twitter thread, above, contains an interesting reply ... [Read more...]

Barbie and math

July 25, 2023 | Jerry Tuttle

      With the Barbie movie coming out, I think it's time to review Barbie and math.       If the original Barbie doll were an actual woman, she would be 5'9" tall, have a 39-inch bust, 18-inch waist, 33-inch hips, a size 3 shoe, a weight of 110 pounds, a BMI of 16.24, and perhaps would ...
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A Heatmap of James Lind’s Scurvy Study

July 24, 2023 | Louise E. Sinks

This week’s TidyTuesday concerns what some have called the first randomized clinical trial- a study by James Lind evaluating various treatments for scurvy. This data has been collected into the medicaldata R package from Lind’s book on scurvy. Loading the Libraries and Data library(tidyverse) # who doesn't want ...
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