Off to CRAN! {tidyAML}

February 12, 2023 | Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH

Introduction Are you tired of spending hours tuning and testing different machine learning models for your regression or classification problems? The new R package {tidyAML} is here to simplify the process for you! tidyAML is a simple interface ... [Read more...]

Some different graph types in R

February 12, 2023 | Jerry Tuttle

I don't know about you, but I get tired of seeing column charts and pie charts. It's not difficult to create a few more interesting chart types once in a while. Whether these are relevant for a particular audience and truly display your message is a different question. I wanted ...
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Reference: Dockerizing shinny apps

February 10, 2023 | R with White Dwarf

Andrew Couch has a nice video about deploying a shiny app using docker. He goes from the very basics, that asume no knowledge of docker whatsoever, which is the position of many R users like myself. I’ve been working in some shiny app lately, and... [Read more...]

Referencia: Dockerizando shinny apps

February 10, 2023 | R with White Dwarf

Andrew Couch tiene un video genial sobre como poner una aplicación shiny en docker. El video está en inglés, pero bien vale la pena. Va desde lo más básico, sin asumir ningún conocimiento de docker, lo cual es la situación de muchos usuarios de ... [Read more...]

Population growth

February 10, 2023 | Michael

I just saw this article in Le Monde : « a pair of cats can produce 20,000 individuals in just four years ». (translation) That seems quite high… Let’s check! (additionally, the article is about feral cats preying on wildlife but we are shown a wild cat capturing a laboratory mouse!) This figure ... [Read more...]

tikzDevice v0.12.4

February 9, 2023 | R on Ralf Stubner

Yesterday tikzDevice version 0.12.4 made it unto CRAN and is now propagating to the mirrors. The tikzDevice package provides a graphics output device for R that records plots in a LaTeX-friendly format. The device transforms plotting commands issued b... [Read more...]
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