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Using my own R functions in webR in an Express JS API, and thoughts on building web apps with Node & webR

[This article was first published on Colin Fay, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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This post is the fourth one of a series of post about webR:

Note: the first post of this series explaining roughly what webR is, I won’t introduce it again here.

The problem

Ok, so now that we have our webR / NodeJS machinery up and running, let’s try something more interesting: use our own R functions inside webR.

How can I do that?

There are at least three ways I could think of:

1️⃣ Writing a function inside the JS code to define a function, something like :

await globalThis.webR.evalR("my_fun <- function(x){...}");

But that doesn’t check what I would expect from something I’ll use in prod and I’m pretty sure you don’t need me to detail why 😅

2️⃣ Simply create an R script and source it. Something like:

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const script = path.join(__dirname, 'script.R')
const data = fs.readFileSync(script);
await globalThis.webR.FS.writeFile(
await globalThis.webR.evalR("source('/home/web_user/script.R')");

That’s a bit better, we can at least organize our code in a script and it will be:

3️⃣ I bet you saw me coming, the best way let’s put stuff into an R package, so that we can check all the boxes.

Jeroen has written a Docker image to compile an R package to WASM, but I was looking for something that wouldn’t involve compiling via a docker container every time I make a change on my R package (even if that does sound appealing, I’m pretty sure this wouldn’t make for a seamless workflow).

So here is what I’m thinking should be a well structured NodeJS / WebR app:

That way, I can enjoy the best of both worlds:

The how

Let’s start by creating our project:

mkdir webr-preload-funs
cd webr-preload-funs
npm init -y
touch index.js
npm install express webr
R -e "usethis::create_package('rfuns', rstudio = FALSE)"

Let’s now create a simple function :

> usethis::use_r("sw")

#' @title Star Wars by Species
#' @description Return a tibble of Star Wars characters by species
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @param species character
#' @return tibble
#' @examples
#' star_wars_by_species("Human")
#' star_wars_by_species("Droid")
#' star_wars_by_species("Wookiee")
#' star_wars_by_species("Rodian")
star_wars_by_species <- function(species){
  dplyr::starwars |>
    filter(species == )

We can now add {dplyr} and {pkgload} to our DESCRIPTION (we’ll need {pkgload} to load_all() the package).


Now that we have a package skeleton, we’ll have to upload it to webR.

As described in the previous post, I’ve started a webrtools NodeJS module, which will contains function to play with webR. Before this post, it had one function, loadPackages, that was used to build a webR dependency library (see Preloading your R packages in webR in an Express JS API for more info).

We’ll need to add two features :

First, in R, we’ll need to read the DESCRIPTION and build the lib:

download_packs_and_deps_from_desc <- function (
  path_to_installation = "./webr_packages"
    if (!file.exists(description)) {
        stop("DESCRIPTION file not found")
    deps <- desc::desc_get_deps(description)
    for (pak in deps$package) {
        webrtools::download_packs_and_deps(pak, path_to_installation = path_to_installation)

Note: the code of webrtools::download_packs_and_deps() is a wrapper around the R code described in Preloading your R packages in webR in an Express JS API

And in Node, we’ll rework our loadPackages and split it into two functions — one to load into any folder, and one to load into the package library:

async function loadFolder(webR, dirPath, outputdir = "/usr/lib/R/library") {
  const files = getDirectoryTree(
  for await (const file of files) {
    if (file.type === 'directory') {
      await globalThis.webR.FS.mkdir(
    } else {
      const data = fs.readFileSync(`${dirPath}/${file.path}`);
      await globalThis.webR.FS.writeFile(

async function loadPackages(webR, dirPath) {
  await loadFolder(webR, dirPath, outputdir = "/usr/lib/R/library");

The end app

We now have everything we need!

npm i webrtools@0.0.2
Rscript ./node_modules/webrtools/r/install_from_desc.R $(pwd)/rfuns/DESCRIPTION

And now, to our index.js

const app = require('express')()
const path = require('path');
const { loadPackages, loadFolder } = require('webrtools');
const { WebR } = require('webr');

(async () => {
  globalThis.webR = new WebR();
  await globalThis.webR.init();

  console.log("🚀 webR is ready 🚀");

  await loadPackages(
    path.join(__dirname, 'webr_packages')

  await loadFolder(
    path.join(__dirname, 'rfuns'),

  console.log("📦 Packages written to webR 📦");

  // see
  await globalThis.webR.evalR("options(expressions=1000)")
  await globalThis.webR.evalR("pkgload::load_all('/home/web_user')");

  app.listen(3000, '', () => {


app.get('/', async (req, res) => {
  let result = await globalThis.webR.evalR(
  let js_res = await result.toJs()

app.get('/:n', async (req, res) => {
  let result = await globalThis.webR.evalR(
    { env: { n: req.params.n } }
  try {
    const result_js = await result.toJs();
  } finally {

Let’s now try from another terminal:

curl http://localhost:3000

["Human","Droid","Wookiee","Rodian","Hutt","Yoda's species","Trandoshan","Mon Calamari","Ewok","Sullustan","Neimodian","Gungan",null,"Toydarian","Dug","Zabrak","Twi'lek","Vulptereen","Xexto","Toong","Cerean","Nautolan","Tholothian","Iktotchi","Quermian","Kel Dor","Chagrian","Geonosian","Mirialan","Clawdite","Besalisk","Kaminoan","Aleena","Skakoan","Muun","Togruta","Kaleesh","Pau'an"]

curl http://localhost:3000/Rodian

{"type":"list","names":["name","height","mass","hair_color","skin_color","eye_color","birth_year","sex","gender","homeworld","species","films","vehicles","starships"],"values":[{"type":"character","names":null,"values":["Greedo"]},{"type":"integer","names":null,"values":[173]},{"type":"double","names":null,"values":[74]},{"type":"character","names":null,"values":[null]},{"type":"character","names":null,"values":["green"]},{"type":"character","names":null,"values":["black"]},{"type":"double","names":null,"values":[44]},{"type":"character","names":null,"values":["male"]},{"type":"character","names":null,"values":["masculine"]},{"type":"character","names":null,"values":["Rodia"]},{"type":"character","names":null,"values":["Rodian"]},{"type":"list","names":null,"values":[{"type":"character","names":null,"values":["A New Hope"]}]},{"type":"list","names":null,"values":[{"type":"character","names":null,"values":[]}]},{"type":"list","names":null,"values":[{"type":"character","names":null,"values":[]}]}]}

Yeay 🎉 .

You can find the code here, and see it live at

You can also try it with

docker run -it -p 3000:3000 colinfay/webr-preload-funs
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